Call for Peace and Democracy
25 February 2022
Statement by the Coimbra Group Executive Board
We are deeply concerned and distressed by the tragic consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We urge all to work for peace and to respect democracy and fundamental human rights.
The Executive Board of the Coimbra Group sends its strongest solidarity to the people of Ukraine and all who are affected.
Many Coimbra Group Universities have a tradition of welcoming Ukrainian students and staff on their campuses. They also maintain active student exchange programmes and educational and scientific cooperation with both Ukraine and Russia.
Our thoughts are with all the members of the academic community and their families who are impacted while trying to continue their education and work.
We would like to recall our longstanding commitment to fundamental rights, more particularly the right to education and academic freedom. Universities in all countries must be protected in their efforts to provide opportunities for everyone to continue their education and research.
The Coimbra Group remains inclusive and welcoming to all. We extend our support to all students and academics affected by the conflict who are currently present at Coimbra Group Universities.
We call on the University community to stand together and will continue monitoring the situation closely to see where we can provide assistance.
25 February 2022
Ludovic Thilly (University of Poitiers), Chair
Cláudia Cavadas (University of Coimbra), Vice-Chair
Beatrix Busse (University of Cologne)
Daniel Donoghue (Durham University)
Dorota Malec (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
Coco Norén (Uppsala University)
Lenka Rovná (Charles University in Prague)
Efrem Yildiz Sadak (University of Salamanca)
Elmer Sterken (University of Groningen)
Luca Verzichelli (University of Siena)