The Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize for Erasmus Students

2019 Laureate of the Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize for Erasmus Students

Recommendation 2019

The Selection Committee established by the Executive Board for the 2019 Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize for Erasmus Students is pleased to unanimously nominate Ms Janeli Harjus from the University of Tartu (Estonia) for this year’s award. Ms Janeli Harjus spent her 5-month Erasmus exchange at Aarhus University in Denmark. After graduating in June 2018 in Tartu, Ms Janeli Harjus’ thesis was awarded the best MA thesis in her programme in 2018.

Ms Janeli Harjus has shown that the value of the Erasmus experience was essential for her future career. The opportunities created by the European Higher Education Area allow students to develop their research interests and contribute to the dissemination of a culture of diversity, discussion and creativity.
In 2016, the Laureate started her Magister Programme of Baltic Sea Region Studies at the University of Tartu. She took the opportunity to spend a term abroad under the Erasmus+ programme and chose Aarhus University in Denmark. The stay in Denmark was essential for focusing her research on the security risks in the region of the Nordic-Baltic countries. The research targeted two main perspectives: affiliation to the strategic aims of NATO as a key security actor in the region, and regional Nordic-Baltic cooperation.

The studies at Aarhus University helped to situate the topic of the thesis within the theories on regional security complexes, relying on the discourse of the Copenhagen School of International Relations. Methodologically the qualitative content analysis was used. Primary and secondary sources were used. Ms Janeli Harjus improved her knowledge of the Danish language and other Nordic languages that she needed for her research. The value added provided an analysis of NATO’s objectives expressed in national security strategies in the Baltic-Nordic countries.

From the left, Rector Toomas Asser, Janeli Harjus and Duke Leopold of Arenberg

The study stay at Aarhus University was for Ms Janeli Harjus also an enriching multicultural experience. It is clear that the experience of diversity, creativity and discussion at the Coimbra Group member university shaped the choices made by Ms Janeli Harjus, sharpened the perspectives and enabled her to write a genuinely comparative study.

The Selection Committee would like to congratulate Ms Janeli Harjus on this year’s Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize and wish her a successful career based on her research and educational experience.

We would also like to congratulate the other candidates, whose testimonials were additional excellent examples of the impact of their mobility experience and their academic qualities, as well as of the commitment to the Erasmus project at the Coimbra Group Universities where they were awarded their degrees and undertook their exchange periods.


Laureate article

2019 Janeli HARJUS (Tartu-Aarhus)

Janeli Harjus – Speech


2018 Laureate of the Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize for Erasmus Students

The Selection Committee established by the Executive Board for the 2018 Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize for Erasmus Students is pleased to unanimously nominate Mr Arnab Dutta from the University of Göttingen (Germany) for this year’s award. Mr Dutta spent his 5-month Erasmus exchange as part of his Erasmus Mundus Euroculture Master programme at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in The Netherlands in the year 2016. After graduating in September 2017 in Göttingen, Mr Arnab Dutta was accepted as a PhD student at the Graduate School for the Humanities at his host university, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Mr Arnab Dutta has shown that the value of the Erasmus experience is particularly significant for non-European students. The opportunities created by the European Higher Education Area and more specifically by the Erasmus Mundus master programmes allow non-European students to develop their research interests in European subjects and contribute to the dissemination of a culture of diversity, discussion and creativity.

In 2015 the Laureate started his Erasmus Mundus Master of Arts in Euroculture at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany. In his essay, Mr Dutta draws the attention to the way in which this interdisciplinary MA programme threw light on the political, legal and cultural foundations of the European continent, and its ‘ in the wider world. In order to accomplish the ‘European nature’ of the degree, students would undertake a compulsory Erasmus exchange at a second European university. Mr Dutta chose the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in The Netherlands as his second semester host university. He attended a research seminar called ‘Representing Europe’ – a dedicated course to explore Europe’s self-image as a continent, and the ways in which ‘the non-European others’ make “meaning” of it. After completing an Erasmus exchange semester in Groningen (February – June 2016) he went to another Coimbra Group University (Uppsala, Sweden) for another semester to complete a research assistantship.
After spending one semester each in Groningen and in Uppsala, he finished his studies in Göttingen under the dual supervision.

As Mr Arnad Dutta stated when referring to his thesis: “In this thesis, titled “The Borders and the Boundaries in the Land of the Quasi-Masters: Continental Europe as seen through Bangla Travel Narratives, 1919-50”, I have tried to show the experiences of the young travellers-cum-students from British Colonial India. In the course of writing this thesis I analyzed how they made ‘meaning’ of the spatial concept of the continent called Europe while travelling across its vast territories, and how they engaged themselves with the internal boundaries of Europe – not only the geographical or political boundaries, but also the borderlines between different versions of Kultur and Civilisation…”

It is clear that the experience of diversity, creativity and discussion at the European universities shaped Mr Dutta’s choices and perspectives.

The Selection Committee would like to congratulate Mr Arnab Dutta on this year’s Arenberg-Coimbra Group Prize and wish him a successful career based on his European educational experience.

We would also like to congratulate the other candidates, whose testimonials were additional excellent examples of the impact of their mobility experience and their academic qualities, as well as of the commitment to the Erasmus project at the Coimbra Group Universities where they were awarded their degrees and undertook their exchange periods.
