Nov2018STEM WG workshop “Promoting STEM towards pupils, students and society”, Poitiers 13 December 2018
The STEM Working Group and the University of Poitiers have organised the workshop “Promoting STEM towards pupils, students and society”, on 13 December 2018.
Nov2018At last an international diagnosis of higher education learning is available
A key question throughout the world of higher education is: Can higher education learning be improved and the improvement evidenced? There is an apparent lack of trust by civic society…
Nov2018Research excellence and cooperation must prevail in Horizon Europe
New statement from the Coimbra Group and 13 other European associations, united to respond to the Ninth Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon Europe).
Nov2018St Petersburg University and Freie Universität Berlin Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme
St Petersburg University and Freie Universität Berlin have launched their First Call for Applications (2019–2020) for the Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme.
Nov2018Staff Training on Recognition of Refugees’ Qualifications – Updated Programme
Check the updated the programme of the Staff Training Workshop on Recognition of Refugees’ Qualifications.
Oct2018Alliances of European Universities: a new momentum to the European Union?
The long-awaited call for proposals for Alliances of European Universities is out! …
Oct2018Prague Appeal from Coimbra Group, EUROPAEUM, LERU, UNICA and Charles University
At the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Czech Republic on 24-25 October 2018 at Charles University in Prague, University Rectors gathered there have agreed on the following Prague Appeal, refuting the “Europe first” approach.
Oct2018Central European University – Hungarian Government’s continued harassment
As already reported on several occasions, the Hungarian Government continues to find ways in which to make life unbearable for higher education institutions in general and the Central European University (CEU) in particular. Since the start of 2017, the Hungarian Government has done its utmost to prove that the CEU is illegal in Hungary in […]
Oct2018Coimbra Group represented on DG EAC working groups
As part of the priorities of the Coimbra Group, a renewed and strengthened role of universities in the Bologna Process already formed part of the discussions in Salamanca and has been close to Coimbra Group hearts for the past several years. To the education policy priorities since the Closed Rectors’ meeting in Salamanca, was added […]
Oct2018Erasmus Salon: Are Universities a Hub for Lifelong Learning?
On 11 October the European University Foundation (EUF) organised one of their Erasmus Salons at the Maison des Ailes…
Oct2018The University and the City of Würzburg sign the Poitiers Declaration
Prof. Dr Alfred Forchel, President of the University of Wurzburg and Mr Christian Schuchardt, Mayor of the City of Würzburg, have signed the Poitiers Declaration.
Sep2018Welcoming Refugees Into Universities
Giovanna FILIPPINI, Head of the International Relations Division, University of Bologna (Chair)
Mathieu CRETTENAND, Senior advisor to the Rectorate, University of Geneva
Dana SAMSON, Pro-Rector for International Affairs, University of Louvain
Universities across Europe have a long tradition of hosting refugee… -
Sep2018Summer School in Algebra and Topology
Coimbra Group Universities promote research collaboration with Summer School in Algebra and Topology…
Sep2018“Conserving the built heritage in Universities” – Graz, 23 October 2018
The Heritage Working Group is organising a seminar on the challenges of managing and conserving our universities’ historic buildings…
Sep201830th Anniversary of the Magna Charta Universitatum
The Executive Board Chair, Ludovic Thilly, represented the Coimbra Group at the conference celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Magna Charta Universitatum, coinciding with the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the University of Salamanca
Sep2018The situation in Hungary – European Parliament resolution 12 September 2018
On 12 September, the European Parliament triggered Article 7 of the Treaty of the European Union (below), based on Hungary’s breach of the European Union’s values.
Sep2018The CG back in Myanmar with CHINLONE project
Six months after the successful training course organised by members of the Development Cooperation Working Group in Myanmar, the Coimbra Group was back in the country’s capital Naypyidaw…
Sep2018Coimbra Group Call for trainer – ICMED Project
The Coimbra Group Office is an active partner in the project ICMED – “International Credit Mobility: A New Challenge in the Mediterranean Region” Erasmus+ Programme.
The Coimbra Group is looking for an expert trainer in ICM (International Credit Mobility) among its members. -
Sep2018News from YEBO! project
The Erasmus+ capacity building project YEBO!, on the internationalisation of PhD studies at South African universities, has just published a report on PhD internationalisation activities of the universities partners in the project.
Sep2018Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and City of Iaşi sign the Poitiers Declaration
The Rector-in-charge of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Prof. Mihaela Onofrei and the Mayor of Iasi, Mr Mihai Chirica, signed the Poitiers Declaration on 7 September.