Aug20182018-2019, a crucial year for European Higher Education, Research and Innovation
By the Coimbra Group Executive Board
We concluded the July newsletter editorial with the observation that “the 2017-2018 academic year was another busy year…
Jul2018An unprecedented collective action for an unprecedented Research and Innovation European Framework Programme
By Ludovic Thilly
University of Poitiers, Chair of the Coimbra Group Executive BoardThe European scene of Research and Innovation (R&I) has been particularly rich…
Jul2018Report on meeting “European Universities initiative”, Paris, 2 July 2018
Ms Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of Unit Higher Education at DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, made a presentation on the “European Universities” initiative…
Jul2018Coimbra Group High-Level Seminar on Research Policy, San Servolo, 6-7 December 2018
Since 2013, the Coimbra Group has organised high-level policy seminars on research to address current issues in European research policy of key importance to member universities and…
Jul2018University of Edinburgh confer honorary degrees on European research and education trailblazers and guardians
Among the many honorary degrees conferred this year, some European highlights were Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Michael Ignatieff, Alan Smith and Hywel Ceri Jones…
Jul2018CG Summer School on European Multilingualism
The first Coimbra Group Summer School on European Multilingualism took place from 7 to 14 July at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. This initiative brought together 26 students and 17 staff members from CG Universities and universities in the Western Balkans…
Jul2018What Erasmus for 2021-2027?
Partners and stakeholders gathered at the European Parliament to discuss the proposal for Erasmus Student Mobility under the new Erasmus programme for 2021-2027
Jul2018Executive Board Statement on academic freedom in Turkey
The Executive Board of the Coimbra Group would like to express its full support for the statement issued by the European University Association about the situation faced by the higher education community in Turkey
Jul2018News from Charles University Prague
St. Wenceslas rotunda at Charles University obtained prestigious EU Prize! St. Wenceslas Romanesque rotunda (which dates back to the late 11th century) situated inside a one of the buildings of Charles University and newly discovered during the construction works in 2004, obtained the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2018 in the […]
Jul2018In memoriam: Professor Maria Confalonieri
The Coimbra Group is saddened by the news of the sudden passing away of our dear friend and colleague Professor Maria Confalonieri, from the University of Pavia.
Jul2018Coimbra Group & Grupo Montevideo Summer School: Smart and Inclusive Cities
The ‘Smart and Inclusive Cities’ Summer School is taking place this week at the University of Edinburgh. The aim is to discuss means to achieve more inclusive, equal, sustainable and safe cities.
Jul2018Joint amendments to the Horizon Europe proposal
The Coimbra Group and twelve other associations representing universities have presented a series of amendments to the draft regulation of the European Commission establishing the Ninth Framework Programme – Horizon Europe.
Jun2018Coimbra Group Annual Conference 2018: Looking to the future, learning from the past
by Ricardo Rivero
Rector University of Salamanca, Honorary President of the Rectors’ Advisory GroupThe University of Salamanca proudly hosted this year’s Annual Conference and General Assembly at the Colegio Fonseca. It has been…
Jun2018White paper on “Current trends in assessment in Europe”
The Coimbra Group Education Innovation Working Group has produced a white paper on “Current trends in assessment in Europe”…
Jun2018Universities united for the best Horizon Europe
Fourteen European associations representing universities, among which the Coimbra Group, united to respond to the proposal of the Ninth Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon Europe).
Jun2018Coimbra Group Annual Conference 2018
Many of us met earlier this month in the city of Salamanca for the very fruitful and successful 2018 Coimbra Group Annual Conference, where we also celebrated the 800th anniversary of our member, the University of Salamanca. The Hospedería Fonseca hosted the event that gathered around 250 participants from our member universities. As part of […]
May2018The Value of University Networks
by Peter Mathieson
Principal University of Edinburgh, Honorary President of the Rectors’ Advisory GroupI have personal experience of university networks in UK, Europe and Asia, with the lattermost coming when I worked as President of the University of Hong Kong where our networks included Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau, Japan, Thailand, Australasia and west coast United States…
May2018Magna Charta and EHEA2018
The Executive Board Chair Ludovic Thilly participated on 23 May 2018 at the Magna Charta Observatory (MCO) meeting organised at the Maison des universités in cooperation with the CPU, the Conference of French University Rectors: the main topic was “academic integrity and freedom”, values that are at the core of Coimbra Group considerations. Policymakers and […]
May2018Erasmus+ & active citizenship
The Coimbra Group was one of the guests at a panel discussion on ‘Fostering Active Citizenship through Erasmus’. The event took place at the European Parliament on 23 May, organised by the Erasmus Student Network with the support of MEP Brando Benifei. The initiative comes as a follow-up to a paper that ESN wrote together […]
May2018Poitiers Declaration – update
We are delighted to announce that during this past month three new member universities signed the Poitiers Declaration together with the mayors of their cities. Leiden, Leuven and Granada are the new signatories to the Declaration, which was first presented at the conference “University and the City” in Poitiers on 9 June 2016. This brings […]