Building a Europe based on the pillars of Education, Research and Innovation
25 February 2025
Coimbra Group Statement
Building a Europe based on the pillars of education, research, and innovation is crucial for strengthening EU’s societal and economic growth, promoting sustainable development, and ensuring the well-being of future generations.
It is only by investing in these key areas that Europe can drive knowledge creation, foster cross-border collaboration, and increase its competitiveness. A competitiveness that is not solely defined in economic terms. Education, research and innovation are indeed strategic tools, not only to increase competitiveness in areas such as climate change, digital transformation, health or defence, but also to address societal and global challenges. Investing in these areas is the only way to reap long term and sustained economic gains.
For this we need more investment, and this must start with the basics, since R&D expenditure in the EU currently falls short of the target of 3% of GDP. Coimbra Group (CG) calls for a substantial boost in funding in these areas to drive strategic priorities, support high-quality projects, and close the innovation and skills gaps with other global regions.
CG emphasises that skills are always grounded in knowledge, hence the importance of interaction between research and education. We advocate for a long-term vision of skills development – one that is not only crucial in the short term but also prepares for future challenges.
Political discourse seems to prioritise a technocentric perspective on skills, innovation and growth. CG highlights the fundamental role of the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in addressing global challenges and driving the necessary societal and socio-economic transformations.
CG emphasises the importance of funding fundamental research as a cornerstone for long-term innovation and progress. CG therefore calls for increased funding for the European Research Council (ERC) and Marie Curie-Sklodowska Actions (MSCA), including the collaborative networks, in the next EU Budget. It is also absolutely crucial that independence of the ERC is safeguarded.
The future priorities of the EU should integrate the concept of the ‘fifth freedom,’ as recommended by Enrico Letta, embedding education, research and innovation at the core of the Single Market to foster economic vitality, societal advancement, and cultural enrichment.
CG strongly support efforts to simplify access to EU funding and harmonise programmes’ rules from the perspective of the beneficiaries. Moreover, the recent years have shown that flexibility in the budget structure is essential for beneficiaries to respond effectively to crises and emerging priorities. To maximise the impact and efficiency of its policies, the EU must ensure streamlined budget allocation within each programme, enhanced coordination between EU and national levels, and greater transparency.
As the negotiations on the EU budget 2028-2034 are in full swing, CG calls for a stand-alone Erasmus+ programme and a stand-alone R&I framework programme (FP10) in the next Multiannual Financial Framework with ring-fenced budgets for both programmes for the whole MFF duration.
Read the full statement below
Coimbra Group Statement: Why we need the European Degree now
03 February 2025
Shaping the future of European higher education
Realizing the format of European Degree (ED) will be a cornerstone of Europe’s further integration, especially in today’s polycrises context where the European Union (EU)’s unity, its values and cooperation are our strongest assets. The times call for an ambitious vision for higher education, the bedrock of social cohesion, progress, innovation and competitiveness.
Through their pivotal international role, Universities create knowledge, education and innovation. They are driving forces for cooperation on all levels. In his report to the European Council, Enrico Letta recommended the adoption of the European Degree for “realising the fifth freedom”. A ED is more than a qualification or a label. It is crucial for furthering the interconnectedness and inclusiveness of the educational landscape across Europe.
Coimbra Group (CG) is therefore calling for rapid progress in the enactment of the European Degree, on a voluntary basis, in full compliance with the subsidiarity principle and competence of the EU27 Member States and by creating flexible and enabling structures which guarantee academic freedom.
We call on all actors to focus on the benefits and opportunities,rather than dwelling on challenges. Let’s move forward and create the future by experimenting! Why do we need the European Degree?
There is a breadth of evidence and analysis available. Let’s build on it: the momentum is now! Wasting more time would dilute the interest.
Existing programmes such as the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM), the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks, the Erasmus+ pilot projects – such as ED-AFFICHE & ED-Lab, to which CG contributed – and the European Universities Initiative, have demonstrated that ED-like frameworks can work effectively, benefiting students, higher education institutions, public and private employers, and society at large through building up, among others, future-proof competencies by interlinking research and education. .
As champions of these different initiatives, CG Universities have developed extensive experience and consolidated relevant knowledge in this area. Our network remains committed to further support and offer expertise to EU and national policy makers for collectively making the ED a reality.
Read the full statement here:
Coimbra Group Statement on Universities in Nicaragua
24 April 2024
Academic freedom and institutional autonomy are universal, fundamental values that ought to be upheld everywhere in the world.
With all of its member universities being signatories of the Magna Charta Universitatum, the Coimbra Group recalls that “intellectual and moral autonomy is the hallmark of any university and a precondition for the fulfilment of its responsibilities to society. That independence needs to be recognised and protected by governments and society at large, and defended vigorously by institutions themselves”. [1]
The Coimbra Group wishes to express its utmost concern for the many attacks on academic freedom at higher education institutions in Nicaragua, as well as the restrictions put on research integrity and the right to a critical education.
In August 2023, the Nicaraguan government closed down the private Jesuit-run University of Central America (UCA) and confiscated all its assets and infrastructure. The closure was followed by the arbitrary arrest of academics and students by the police. Established in 1960, UCA has consistently delivered vital critical research and high-quality education, earning a prominent status as one of Central America’s most prestigious research and higher education institutions.
According to Human Rights Watch, the Nicaraguan government has closed 28 universities in the country since 2018 as part of the crackdown on organisations created by and representing civil society. Since 2021, over 3,000 civil society organisations in Nicaragua have been shut down.
We hereby evoke the 1988 Lima Declaration on Academic Freedom and Autonomy of Institutions of Higher Education which states that “Institutions of higher education should be critical of conditions of political repression and violations of human rights within their own society.” [2]
The Coimbra Group asks the government of Nicaragua, and all governments in the world, to do everything to protect, safeguard, or immediately restore academic freedom and the autonomy of higher education in their own countries. Further, we call upon the competent authorities to ensure the protection of human rights and the safety of students, teachers, and staff at all former, and present, higher education institutions in Nicaragua.
We also call on the good will of all institutions of higher education across the world to stand in solidarity with students, teachers, and staff at universities in Nicaragua, and where possible to offer them opportunities to finish their studies and continue work either by way of online arrangements, special rules of admission, or other forms of support.
The Coimbra Group stands with independent institutions of higher education in Nicaragua in these difficult times and calls on upon all university networks worldwide to firmly support academic freedom and university autonomy in Nicaragua and everywhere in the world.
Brussels 24 April 2024
[1] https://www.magna-charta.org/magna-charta-universitatum
[2] https://www.wusgermany.de/sites/wusgermany.de/files/userfiles/WUS-Internationales/wus-lima-englisch.pdf
Comunicado del Coimbra Group sobre la situación de las universidades en Nicaragua
La libertad académica y la autonomía institucional son valores universales y fundamentales que deben ser defendidos en el mundo.
Como universidades miembros del Coimbra Group y signatarias de la Magna Charta Universitatum, recordamos que “La autonomía moral e intelectual son el sello de toda universidad y una precondición para el cumplimiento de sus responsabilidades con la sociedad. Esa independencia debe ser reconocida y protegida por los gobiernos y la sociedad en general, y defendida enérgicamente por las propias instituciones”.[1]
El Coimbra Group expresa su máxima preocupación por los numerosos ataques a la libertad académica en las instituciones de educación superior en Nicaragua, así como por las restricciones impuestas a la integridad de la investigación y al derecho a una educación crítica.
En agosto de 2023, el gobierno nicaragüense cerró la Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), una institución privada dirigida por los jesuitas, y confiscó todos sus bienes e infraestructuras. Tras el cierre, se produjeron arrestos arbitrarios de su personal académico y de estudiantes por parte de la policía. Fundada en 1960, la UCA ha desempeñado una labor fundamental y crítica en el ámbito de la investigación, ofreciendo a su vez estudios de alta calidad y sustentando un papel destacado entre los centros de educación superior e investigación más prestigiosos de América Central.
Según el Observatorio de Derechos Humanos (Human Rights Watch), el gobierno nicaragüense ha suspendido la actividad de 28 universidades en el país desde 2018 como parte de la represión contra organizaciones creadas por representantes de la sociedad civil. Desde 2021, más de 3.000 organizaciones de la sociedad civil de Nicaragua fueron clausuradas.
Es por ello que evocamos la Declaración de Lima de 1988 sobre la Libertad Académica y la Autonomía de las Instituciones de Educación Superior, que establece que “las instituciones de educación superior deben actuar de manera crítica ante cualquier situación de represión política y de violación de los derechos humanos dentro de su propia sociedad”.[2]
El Coimbra Group insta al gobierno de Nicaragua y al resto de gobiernos del mundo a hacer todo lo posible para proteger, salvaguardar y restaurar de manera inmediata la libertad académica y la autonomía de los centros de educación superior en sus países respectivos. Además, solicita a las autoridades competentes garantizar la protección de los derechos humanos y la seguridad de estudiantes, profesores y personal universitario en todas las instituciones de educación superior, pasadas y presentes, de Nicaragua.
Apelamos también a la buena voluntad de las instituciones de educación superior de todo el mundo para que ofrezcan su respaldo a estudiantes, profesores y personal de las universidades nicaragüenses, y, siempre que sea posible, les ofrezcan oportunidades para finalizar sus estudios y continuar trabajando, ya sea mediante formación digital, un sistema especial de admisión o cualquier otra forma de colaboración.
El Coimbra Group se solidariza con las instituciones independientes de educación superior de Nicaragua en estos tiempos difíciles y hace un llamamiento a todas las redes universitarias del mundo para apoyar firmemente la libertad académica y la autonomía universitaria en Nicaragua y en todo el mundo.
Bruselas, 24 de abril de 2024
[1] https://www.magna-charta.org/magna-charta-universitatum/mcu2020
[2] https://www.wusgermany.de/sites/wusgermany.de/files/userfiles/WUS-Internationales/wus-lima-englisch.pdf
Coimbra Group supports the More Than Our Rank initiative
19 April 2024
As anticipated earlier this year, Coimbra Group is proud to announce its support of the initiative “More Than Our Rank” (MTOR) developed in response to some of the problematic features and effects of the global university rankings. Our endorsement is now publicly displayed on the MTOR website.
The Coimbra Group has long been discussing the multiple issues surrounding global university rankings and their significant increase since the foundation of our university network in 1985. A few months after our High Level Research Policy Seminar “Achieving Excellence at Universities: What does it mean in times of multiple crises?” (Brussels, 13-14 November 2024), Coimbra Group’s support of ‘More Than Our Rank’ marks a new milestone in our journey towards advancing a more complex, contextualised, and nuanced understanding of university excellence that better fits our times. The Initiative aligns seamlessly with Coimbra Group core values and our holistic approach to universities’ missions, as well as with our strong belief that any assessment/ranking should place equal importance on all disciplines, including the Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts.
There is a cultural transformation going on and we are fully aware that there is considerable work needed to change the landscape. Coimbra Group aims to take an active role in this change by bringing together the diversity of positions which co-exist across its membership and, when appropriate, by leading by example. By endorsing More Than Our Rank, we aim to foster open and honest discussions about issues that may challenge traditional practices and models in place at our member universities. We would like to enable our members to share experiences in a safe and supportive environment while keeping abreast with new developments and alternative pathways. Coimbra Group will also contribute to advocacy efforts in order to influence policies at various levels.
Our support for ‘More Than Our Rank’ goes hand in hand with our recent contribution to drafting the European Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (2021-2022), our active participation in the CoARA ever since its inception (2022) as well as our endorsement of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information (2024).
Coimbra Group’s support of ‘More Than Our Rank’ builds on its engagement to actively participate in the conversation on Open Science, which includes the debate on more open and transparent university rankings. We anticipate a fruitful collaboration with the signatories of More Than Our Rank and the other support organisations in order to drive meaningful progress in the higher education sector worldwide.
Some Coimbra Group members are already signatories of ‘More Than Our Rank’. We invite all Coimbra Group members to explore the initiative and consider the possibility to sign up as individual institutions.
Further information on ‘More Than Our Rank’:
Coimbra Group signs the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information
16 April 2024
Two months after taking the decision to join the conversation on Open Science, we are proud to announce that the Coimbra Group is among the initial signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information. Led by the vision of its Executive Board and Rectors’ Advisory Group, the Coimbra Group aims to coordinate efforts with other leading organisations to promote systemic transformations in the research sector. Several Coimbra Group member universities have also expressed their support to the Declaration already.
The full text of the Barcelona Declaration and list of signatories can be found on barcelona-declaration.org.
Open research information must be the new norm
The research information landscape requires fundamental change. The signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information commit to taking a lead in transforming the way research information[1] is used and produced. Openness of information about the conduct and communication of research must be the new norm.
Too often, decision making in science is based on closed research information. Research information is locked inside proprietary infrastructures, run by for-profit providers that impose severe restrictions on the use and reuse of the information.
Errors, gaps, and biases in closed research information are difficult to expose and even more difficult to fix. Indicators and analytics derived from this information lack transparency and reproducibility. Decisions about the careers of researchers, about the future of research organizations, and ultimately about the way science serves the whole of humanity, depend on these black-box indicators and analytics.
Today, over 30 organizations are committing to making openness of research information the norm. Open research information enables science policy decisions to be made based on transparent evidence and inclusive data. It enables information used in research evaluations to be accessible and auditable by those being assessed. And it enables the global movement toward open science to be supported by information that is fully open and transparent.
The signatories of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information make the following commitments:
1. We will make openness the default for the research information we use and produce;
2. We will work with services and systems that support and enable open research information;
3. We will support the sustainability of infrastructures for open research information;
4. We will support collective action to accelerate the transition to openness of research information.
Support the transition to open research information
To reach the tipping point in the transition from closed to open research information, more concerted action is needed. We therefore call on all organizations that carry out, fund, and evaluate research to support the transition to open research information and to sign the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information.
The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information was prepared by a group of over 25 research information experts, representing organizations that carry out, fund, and evaluate research, as well as organizations that provide research information infrastructures. The group met in Barcelona in November 2023 in a workshop hosted by SIRIS Foundation. The preparation of the Declaration was coordinated by Bianca Kramer (Sesame Open Science), Cameron Neylon (Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative, Curtin University), and Ludo Waltman (Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University).
Contact details
Organizations that would like to know more about the Declaration or that wish to sign the Declaration are welcome to reach out to contact@barcelona-declaration.org.
[1]Definition of research information
By research information we mean information (sometimes referred to as metadata) relating to the conduct and communication of research. This includes, but is not limited to, (1) bibliographic metadata such as titles, abstracts, references, author data, affiliation data, and data on publication venues, (2) metadata on research software, research data, samples, and instruments, (3) information on funding and grants, and (4) information on organizations and research contributors. Research information is located in systems such as bibliographic databases, software archives, data repositories, and current research information systems.
Coimbra Group joins the conversation on Open Science
14 February 2024
1. Since 1985 the Coimbra Group Universities have been recognized for embracing tradition to foster innovation. In 2021, we engaged our members in constructive discussions about the future of research assessment. With their support we participated in the drafting of the European Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment and in the creation of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), which we have joined as a founding member.
2. Today, we take another step and announce our strong support for the movement towards open research information – defined as information relating to the conduct and communication of research, currently unfolding in the higher education sector. That includes more open and transparent University rankings.
3. The Coimbra Group stresses that transitions in how research information is provided must respect the equal importance of all disciplines, including the Social Sciences, Humanities and the Arts.
4. We shall contribute to the European conversation on open research information and related issues. We will bring to these discussions the diversity of perspectives and the expertise available in our network of leading long-established European comprehensive universities.
5. Coimbra Group is equally proud to announce its support of the initiative “More Than Our Rank” developed in response to some of the problematic features and effects of the global university rankings. By supporting this initiative, we are demonstrating a commitment to responsible assessment and to acknowledging a broader and more diverse definition of institutional success. We look forward to engaging with like-minded institutions and umbrella organisations shaping this global community.
6. We stand ready to participate in the future at the forefront of other relevant collective initiatives.
7. We will raise awareness among our members of the importance of Open Science and will actively promote dialogue on this important topic.
8. For our members we will facilitate a deeper understanding of the issues and opportunities at stake, in the full respect of each individual institution’s strategy – as we have always done.
9. We shall gently nudge our communities by engaging both the management level and the academics and administrative staff active through our thematic Working Groups and by offering our trustful collaborative environment for mutual learning and exchange of experience.
This statement is the result of constructive and focused discussions of members of the Coimbra Group Executive Board and Coimbra Group Rectors’ Advisory Group in the past months, with the input of experts from the wider higher education community.
— Coimbra Group Executive Board
— Coimbra Group Rectors’ Advisory GroupRectors’ Advisory Group Members
Rector Joybrato Mukherjee (CG Honorary President) University of Cologne, Germany
Rector Joan Guàrdia Olmos, University of Barcelona, Spain
Rector Margareth Hagen, University of Bergen, Norway
Rector Jukka Kola, University of Turku, Finland
Rector Milena Králíčková, Charles University, Prague, Czechia
Rector Giovanni Molari, University of Bologna, Italy
President Annetje Ottow, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Executive Board Members
Prof. Ludovic Thilly (Chair), University of Poitiers, France
Prof. Beatrix Busse (Vice-Chair), University of Cologne, Germany
Prof. Piia Björn, University of Turku, Finland
Prof. Daniel Donoghue, Durham University, United Kingdom
Prof. Coco Norén, Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. Dorota Malec, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
Prof. João Ramalho-Santos, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Prof. Lenka Rovná, Charles University, Czech Republic
Prof. Efrem Yildiz Sadak, University of Salamanca, Spain
Coimbra Group’s Recommendations for the Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027 Interim Evaluation
12 December 2023
The EU’s Erasmus+ programme plays a pivotal role in European Higher Education. The vast majority of the European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) rely on it as the primary financial support for international mobility and collaboration in education. The Erasmus programme has always been a key element and emblem of the most successful idea of “Europe” both within and outside the European Union. As we approach the mid-term point of the 2021-2027 cycle, this position paper undertakes a thorough analysis of the accomplishments, obstacles, and prospects inherent in the Erasmus+ Programme in the area of Higher Education. The intention of the Coimbra Group is therefore to provide recommendations for further improving the Erasmus+ programme on behalf of the European higher education sector on the basis of joint work and thorough investigation among our members.
The paper first gives an overall analysis of the Erasmus+ programme and then focuses specifically on a number of specific concrete issues, identifying the relevant achievements and challenges, and giving recommendations for each area.The document presents final remarks useful for the implementation of the future Programme and with the aim of offering a useful contribution to the best possible implementation of Erasmus+ higher education actions supported by internal policy funds (KA131), with regards topics with a specific focus on issues that concretely affect HEI members.
The Coimbra Group (CG) is an association of 40 long-established European multidisciplinary universities of high international standard. It is one of the pioneering actors in the creation of Erasmus+ in the 80’s and its members are still among the most active players of the programme. This position paper represents the results of a collective effort chaired by the Academic Exchange and Mobility Working Group, with the input from the Employability Working Group, the CG Executive Board and the CG Office. Since the public consultation on the “Interim evaluation of Erasmus+ 2021-2027 and final evaluation of Erasmus+ 2014-2020” was launched on 15th of September 2023, the participants have followed an intense work schedule in preparing this document to identify the key issues that are developed herein. The document presents the views of the CG member universities on the first years of Erasmus+ 2021-2027 and highlights issues of particular importance for its members.
Read the full Coimbra Group Erasmus+ 2021-27 interim evaluation
European university associations welcome proposal for Council. Recommendation on research careers – further steps needed
02 November 2023
Representing a large part of the university sector, and as active participants in the ERA Forum,
especially in the context of the European Research Area (ERA) Action 4 on Research Careers,
jointly welcome the European Commission proposal for a Council Recommendation on a European framework to attract and retain talents in Europe.We welcome the attention given to research careers and the general objectives of the
Commission proposal for a Council Recommendation on careers and talents, which includes
a European Competence Framework for Researchers (ResearchComp), an updated Charter
for Researchers (annexed to the Council Recommendation), and an observatory on research
careers (ReICO). While we recognise that this proposal is moving things forward, we want to
emphasise that the adoption of the Council Recommendations will be a first step in a series
of more active commitments that Member States would need to embark upon to fulfil the
objective of improving research careers in Europe.1. Sustainable research careers hinge on the presence of enabling framework
conditions for institutions and the stability granted by long-term core funding.
First, we call on national governments that by adopting the proposal at the Council they also
take on the corresponding responsibility of improving framework conditions for higher
education institutions (HEIs) through appropriate legislative changes at national and regional
levels, respecting the principle of subsidiarity, and by providing them with adequate funding.
Second, a shift from the declining trend of public core funding is necessary to prevent
universities from overly relying on variable competitive funding. Hence, a strong balance
between short-term funding (e.g., competitive project grants) versus strategic long-term
funding streams (e.g., non-competitive block funding) is needed at regional, national, and
European levels. Only in close partnership with governments and funders can universities
provide sustainable and attractive research careers.2. Flexible and multiple career pathways should be envisioned with a holistic and
long-term perspective.
The unique character of doctoral education should be widely recognised and valued. The
expertise and transversal skills that researchers possess are not always acknowledged and
recognised in other sectors, which can lead to misconceptions about the value researchers
bring. This is especially prevalent in the social sciences, arts and humanities (SSAH) fields.
Member States should remove obstacles that hinder researchers in transnational and
intersectoral mobility in science. These range from difficulties and delays in getting academic
qualifications recognised, to the risk of precarious employment conditions, and to the loss of
acquired social security rights.
In the evolving landscape of research careers, it is imperative to cultivate an environment
where individuals can pursue research endeavours seamlessly across countries and diverse
sectors, underpinned by the development of adaptable structures and frameworks.
Intersectoral mobility should be facilitated and embedded within academic careers, and it
should not be presented as the alternative to a career in universities. The promotion of
intersectoral mobility cannot come at the expense of a career in academia, as there is a risk
that universities become a secondary employer of choice for the best research talents in
Europe. Attractive career paths can only be provided if career security comes at an earlier
phase in a researcher’s career, and if the university’s unique environment of academic
freedom is less compromised by administrative and regulatory burdens. If universities are no
longer able to retain the best talent in academia, this will have a detrimental effect on their
ability to create and nurture future talent and to remain competitive in the international
research arena. We must ensure that universities are fully supported to be able to offer better
working conditions for researchers since private sector organisations are likely to be highly
resourced and willing to offer researchers more attractive working conditions than public
universities can.
Furthermore, greater efforts to further advance progress on the reforms of research
assessment need to accompany the pleas for facilitated intersectoral mobility. Even if
researchers want to return to academia, they still face barriers of entry and progression as
research assessment in HEIs still fails to suitably reward experiences and skills acquired in
sectors outside academia.3. Universities should be empowered to offer stable and more predictable research
The Recommendation proposes a one third maximum threshold for fixed term contracts at the
level of institutions, but it does not provide clarity on which criteria this threshold is based.
The same target threshold is unlikely to fit all university needs, nor does it respect their
autonomy. Therefore, there is a need to reposition the narrative from targets on fixed-term
contracts to the types of contracts being offered to researchers and the associated eligibility
for social benefits.
On the other hand, offering long-term career avenues is paramount, and demands consistent
and sustainable core funding for universities. If universities cannot offer stable careers, talent
might leave academia permanently. Therefore, tenure track-like systems in Europe should
take into account the diversity of structures of national and regional systems, of
disciplinary/scientific cultures and institutional configurations, and be accompanied by
adequate core funding.4. The evidence base for monitoring research careers should be developed in an
open and sustainable manner.
We fully support the creation of a Research and Innovation Careers Observatory (ReICO), as
there is a need for a reliable evidence base upon which to monitor and evaluate all features
related to sustainable research careers. We believe that for the purposes of developing a
sound base of relevant data and indicators at a sufficient level of granularity, a sustainably
open and transparent participatory process for collecting the data would be highly beneficial.
The ReICO should include data related to the research funding landscape and enable
comparisons over time as well as geographical areas and different disciplines. The ReICO
should also ensure synergies with other initiatives like the Coalition for Advancing Research Assesment (CoARA)
Concluding remarks
Given the voluntary nature of the Council Recommendation, we caution against the risk of
further divergence in career pathway and talent retainment strategies between countries
already having mechanisms in place versus countries not implementing the
recommendations. Striking a balance between encouraging progress and ensuring equitable
opportunities for researchers remains a crucial challenge in our pursuit of fostering a European
Research Area.
The attractiveness of research careers depends also on the protection of academic core
values (e.g. academic freedom, institutional autonomy) and the availability of high-quality
research and innovation support offices in universities (enabling the researchers to focus on
their research).
The Charter for Researchers, the ResearchComp framework, the human resource strategy
for researchers (HRS4R) label and the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment are
incentives that should remain voluntary and inspirational.
It is important that while Member States are discussing and adopting these Council
Recommendations, they reflect on the need for proactive measures and accountability in
ensuring appropriate resources and efforts are dedicated to the implementation of these
recommendations. -
Coimbra Group welcomes announcement of UK association to Horizon Europe
08 September 2023
The Coimbra Group welcomes the announcement of a long-awaited political agreement between the European Commission (EC) and the United Kingdom (UK) government paving the way for UK’s association to Horizon Europe as well as to Copernicus Earth Observation programme.
We are delighted that UK researchers will be able to fully participate in the Horizon Europe programme on the same terms as other associated countries. From the 2024 Work Programmes and onwards UK researchers will be eligible to lead consortia. For calls from the 2023 Work Programmes, the EC will continue to administer transitional arrangements and the UK will continue to provide funding under the UK Guarantee.
Ludovic Thilly, Executive Board Chair declares: “Finally, common sense and collective interest have prevailed. In times of multiple crises such as those we are living through, open international research collaboration has never been so essential. We will now do everything we can to support Coimbra Group members in resuming smooth cooperation across the Channel for the sake of excellent research. Given its place among scientific nations, it is also an important step that the UK can soon take part in the discussions about the next framework programme and post-2027 research priorities.”
The Coimbra Group, which brings together 40 long-established European multidisciplinary universities including 3 in the UK, the University of Bristol, Durham University and the University of Edinburgh, has long been calling for a swift agreement on the association of both the UK and Switzerland to Horizon Europe.
Questions and Answers on the UK’s association to Horizon Europe and Copernicus (European Commission’s website)
Position Paper “Past, present, and future of the European Research & Innovation Framework programmes 2014-2027”
23 February 2023
This document is the result of the collective efforts of the whole Coimbra Group community and expresses our views on the:
- Past: this section highlights the main achievements of Horizon 2020 as well as its missed opportunities.
- Present: this section focuses on the implementation and management perspective of Horizon Europe, on aspects such as evaluation, funding models, gender dimension, SSH integration, missions and partnerships, among others.
- Future: in this section CG universities advocate for key advancements on the strategic and political aspects for the 10th FP, such as simplicity and better synergies, improved accessibility and inclusiveness, more transparency in the design process and an increase in the budget, especially for ERC and MSCA programmes.
Read the full position paper here
Joint Statement Paper on the Model Grant Agreement’s Intellectual Property Provisions of the European Innovation Council under Horizon Europe
05 December 2022
Joint Statement on the EIC Model Grant Agreement’s Intellectual Property Provisions
The Coimbra Group and 7 other stakeholders, representing European universities, research performing organisations and knowledge transfer professionals, have published a joint statement urging the European Commission to apply the standard Intellectual Property (IP) provisions for Transition and Pathfinder projects of the European Innovation Council (EIC). The signatories warn that the current EIC IP provisions are not only counterproductive and hinder knowledge valorisation, but that they are also unworkable.
The statement also calls for strengthening the capacities of knowledge valorisation services, as promoted in the European Commission’s Proposal for a Council Recommendation on the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation, the Council conclusions on the New European Innovation Agenda, and the European Parliament’s report on the implementation of the EIC.
More specifically, the signatories highlight the following issues:
- The assumption that the so-called EIC inventors are always the best placed to commercially exploit their research outcomes is plainly wrong.
- The EIC inventors’ royalty-free access right overlooks and undermines the crucial role of research performing organisations’ knowledge valorisation services, including Knowledge (or Technology) Transfer Offices.
- Fragmenting the rights of exploitation of IP between several actors and the fact that therefore only non-exclusive licenses can be granted to start-ups will drive away investors who generally only invests if start-ups are equipped with exclusive IP rights.
- The definition of the EIC inventors5 erroneously conflates “inventorship”, usually used in international patent law and national legislation, for the inventor of a patent, and “authorship”, usually used for the author of a scientific publication.
- The new EIC IPR provisions create additional uncertainties that may affect knowledge valorisation.
- The EIC IP provisions are problematic for many research-performing organisations as they may conflict with their institutional, regional or national rules on handling IP and sharing royalties.
The statement has already been signed by ASTP, AURORA, COIMBRA GROUP, EARTO, EULIFE, IDEA LEAGUE, LERU and THE GUILD. It is still open for endorsement.
Read the full statement here
Joint statement on the exemption of education and research sector from EU Digital Services Act
05 April 2022
The Coimbra Group and 10 other stakeholders, representing most universities, research performing organisations, research funding organisations, research libraries and repositories in Europe, have published a joint statement advocating for an exclusion of not-for-profit educational and scientific repositories, digital archives and libraries from the obligations of the EU Digital Services Act (DSA).
The DSA is a legislative proposal by the European Commission to modernise the e-Commerce Directive regarding illegal content, transparent advertising, and disinformation. While supporting the overarching aim to tackle and remove illegal material online and address citizens’ misinformation and disinformation, we are concerned that the current EU proposal does not differentiate between commercial online platforms and not-for-profit educational and scientific repositories. As a result, universities risk incurring additional financial costs and administrative burdens. This would also be detrimental for the development of Open Science.
By Research Organisations, Libraries, Repositories and University Networks
On the exemption of not-for-profit educational and scientific repositories, digital archives and libraries from the Digital Services Act
Brussels, 5 April 2022
The signatories of this statement, representing European universities, research performing organisations, research funding organisations, research libraries and repositories in Europe, call for the exclusion of not-for-profit repositories, digital archives, and libraries from the obligations of the Digital Services Act (DSA).
The education and research sector relies on thousands of repositories, digital archives, and libraries to ensure access to up-to-date results and knowledge. The progress and effectiveness of the education and scientific research sectors depend on legislative frameworks that foster scientific advancement and the dissemination of knowledge. Not-for-profit educational and scientific repositories, digital archives, and libraries are instrumental in this context.
These digital infrastructures are hosted by universities and other research performing organisations to collect, use, preserve, and disseminate educational and research material, such as research data. This can involve the upload of text, film, or sound recordings by third parties affiliated to the institution.
Educational and Scientific Digital Infrastructures should be excluded from DSA obligations
Not-for-profit scientific and educational repositories, digital archives, and libraries that allow for the upload of content by students, researchers, and third parties – such as in the context of citizen science projects undertaken by universities or libraries – are likely to fall in the scope of the current version of the Digital Services Act. This is in spite of the fact that the legislation is devised for and targeted at commercial platforms. As a result, not-for-profit educational and scientific digital infrastructures would incur additional administrative and financial costs.
In addition, we consider that the inclusion of not-for-profit scientific and educational repositories, digital archives, and libraries in the DSA scope would create inconsistency in EU legislation. ‘Not-for-profit educational and scientific repositories’ are already excluded from the scope of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (Article 2(6)). We consider that legal coherence between the DSA and Digital Single Market Directive should be ensured to avoid confusion within our institutions.
The European Parliament’s position on the DSA would create undue administrative burdens and complexity
The negotiation position adopted by the European Parliament provides a procedure to exempt not-for-profit repositories from the obligations imposed on online platforms. However, it is overly long and complex, and will result in administrative and financial burdens that not-for-profit scientific and educational repositories, digital archives, and libraries will not be able to meet.
Moreover, the definition and assessment of the criteria for this procedure would be mostly left to Member States and Digital Services Coordinators, which could result in legal uncertainty and fragmentation between Member States.
Not-for-profit educational and scientific repositories, digital archives, and libraries should be excluded from the DSA obligations
For the reasons highlighted in this statement, the undersigned organisations, which represent most universities, research performing organisations, research funding organisations, research libraries, and repositories in Europe, call for the exclusion of not-for-profit repositories, digital archives, and libraries from the obligations of the Digital Services Act.
Adapting Erasmus+ to support Ukrainian students and staff
04 April 2022
Universities and students propose concrete measures to ensure support to Ukrainian students and University staff through the Erasmus+ programme
A joint call by the Erasmus Student Network, European Students´ Union, European University Foundation and the Coimbra Group of Universities. Read the full document
Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we have seen a historic mobilisation across European society to support the Ukrainian population. The response from the Higher Education sector has also been exemplary, developing all kinds of useful measures to support Ukrainian students and scholars and staff fleeing the war. The European University Foundation, the Coimbra Group and the European Students´ Union have gathered many of these support initiatives on dedicated web pages. At the EU level, Commissioner Gabriel has already announced extraordinary measures to support pupils and teachers, and she previously expressed the Commission’s commitment to providing maximum support and flexibility in a previous statement on the 3rd of March. On the 23rd of March, the European Commission reaffirmed its commitment to grant maximum flexibility and support through Erasmus+, as part of a broader package of measures. This document gathers specific proposals on what that flexibility should entail in order to ensure effective support for students and staff.
The Erasmus+ programme is currently proving as a useful tool to support Ukrainian students and University faculty and staff, but more can be done. There is significant funding available that could be used if certain extraordinary changes are made. The measures taken during the COVID 19 pandemic proved how the programme can be adapted to support the higher education community in times of need. It is now time to put in place extraordinary measures to offer help to students, faculty and staff affected by the war. We welcome the Commission’s proposal that Erasmus National Agencies apply the “force majeure” clauses and hope to see them activated.
Keeping in mind the complexity of the situation, any proposed measures should consider the brain-drain risk. As the emergency response is needed now, it is equally important to plan accordingly for University community members from Ukraine to enable them to smoothly transit back to their alma maters if and when circumstances allow. Young people and a robust academic community are critical for rebuilding countries after the war.
Tens of Thousands of Ukrainian students and academics have fled the country in the last few weeks. Their education and academic careers have been stopped and many of them find themselves with little financial resources stranded around Europe. Many others might be planning to leave the country soon. The concrete measures that Higher Education Institutions can provide should be complemented by financial support at the national and European levels.
At the moment, one of the best ways to support the Ukrainian higher education community is through international credit mobilities, also known as KA107. Ukrainian Universities already have strong links with many Universities of Erasmus+ programme countries. International Credit Mobility scholarships offer substantial financial support that can cover all the basic needs of Ukrainian students and faculty while allowing them to continue with their studies and academic careers.
More European support is needed to help the Ukrainian higher education community affected by the war. Therefore, we ask the European Commission to consider all the possible ways in which the Erasmus+ programme can be used to support them, starting with the ones laid out in this document. This document includes measures that can be implemented in the coming weeks and months, making a remarkable impact on the situation of thousands of students and academics complementing national measures.
The Erasmus+ programme can channel funding to Ukrainian students to grant them Erasmus scholarships using external policy funds from heading 6 of the Erasmus+ budget that comes from the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe. These changes could apply to the current funding calls of the 2019 and 2020 calls, that are still running and where there is still funding available, but also the 2022 call that closed in February.
Providing EU financial support to the Ukrainian Universities community is a matter of European solidarity. At the moment, neighbouring countries are shouldering most of the humanitarian responsibility towards fleeing Ukrainians. Since solidarity with Ukraine must be a European issue, there is a need to provide tools to all member states so the pressure on these countries is alleviated.
International Credit Mobility with countries non associated with the programme, such as Ukraine, is funded with external policy funds coming from the NDCI instrument. The necessary adjustments should be made so available funding can be fully used to support Ukrainian students, faculty and staff, even if it was originally planned for different regions.
Maximum flexibility with remaining funds from the 2019 and 2020 KA107 calls
Universities can still spend the remaining funds from the 2019 KA107 call, but only until the end of July 2022. At the moment, due to the pandemic situation, many Universities still have not been able to use those funds for international credit mobility in some of the different priority countries. The Commission should provide maximum flexibility to Higher Education Institutions to allocate all that unused funding to support Ukrainian students and academics arriving in Erasmus+ programme countries, regardless of whether they were initially allocated for mobilities with Ukraine.
Similar flexibility should be applied to funds from the 2020 call. There, Universities have more room for manoeuvre as the funds can still be spent the next academic year. They should be able to direct those funds to Ukrainian higher education community members. A particular example could be the funds secured for the mobility with HEIs in Ukraine for this semester and the next academic year. In the case that the mobility is not fulfilled due to the war, the flexibility for relocating these funds would be beneficial to support Ukrainian students, faculty and staff arriving in Erasmus+ programme countries.
UK Universities are still implementing Erasmus mobilities until 2023, despite the fact that the UK has withdrawn from Erasmus+. Thus, these measures can be also applied at UK Universities until then.
Fast track Nomination processes to allow for an immediate start of new mobilities
Swift action is needed to ensure that available International credit mobility funds are not left to waste. Maximum flexibility should be given to nominating students and faculty as Erasmus+ grantees as they arrive at their hosting cities, or even before if they communicate that they are planning to arrive – for instance, for family relocation reasons. This can be an effective way to grant them immediate financial support with funding that is already available.
At the moment, Universities are working around the clock to find ways to address these situations, but clear guidance and flexibility from the Commission will give clarity and make sure that available support reaches as many students as possible.
The nomination process can be done in a simple way using the available IT tools. Even if Universities do not have inter-institutional agreements with their Ukrainian counterparts, an exception can be made considering the nature of the circumstances, including some flexibility for signing the mandatory mobility documents. This would allow students and faculty to officially start their mobilities as fast as possible, using funds that are already available in many Universities.
Work programme amendment – Expanded fund for Ukrainian students in the 2022 KA107 call
On the 9th of March, the Commission published the amended text of the Erasmus+ 2022 Work programme. A further amendment can be done swiftly to boost available funding for Ukrainian higher education community members coming to Erasmus+ countries. Along the same line, Member States could ask for a transfer of resources from other funding programmes. Mobilities funded under the 2022 call can start to be used from September 2022 onwards, when it is foreseeable that there will be a considerable number of Ukrainian students and academics in Erasmus+ programme countries.
A specific funding call to support students who were completing their degrees in Ukraine when the war started and faculty from Ukrainian universities
Besides the use of International Credit Mobilities, the creation of a new, temporary, and specific funding line to support Ukrainian students who have fled the conflict should be considered. This specific funding should also be available to international students who were completing their studies in Ukraine. Universities could apply for funding to cover the University fees of the students (if those have not been lifted), and to provide them with a scholarship for the rest of their expenses. Besides this, it should also cover language support to learn the local language and the language of instruction.
Students would be enrolled as full-time students in the hosting Universities, making the procedure easier. A fast track and flexible procedure should be planned to allow for recognition of their current level of studies, allowing them to resume their degrees in the smoothest possible way.
This specific funding line would essentially provide support in the likely event that the current circumstances in Ukraine will not allow for a return of students to Ukraine. We, therefore, recommend asking applicant institutions to outline how they will contribute to preventing a long-term brain drain from Ukraine and use these funds to train future graduates who will be encouraged to return to Ukraine and rebuild the country’s infrastructure and society. Hence, the objective would be to both support Ukrainian students to pursue their studies and prepare them to contribute to rebuilding their country.
Specific funding should also address the scholarships to cover the salaries or/and living allowance as well as additional adaptation and reskilling needs for faculty members who worked at the Ukrainian HEIs when the war began and fled the country. Similar to the students’ case, a complex approach should be applied, including coverage of language courses when needed and training and conference/research materials allowance.
Reinforced access to Erasmus+ opportunities for Ukrainians
The Ukrainian people have expressed their willingness to become a member of the EU, and EU solidarity is more needed than ever. As a sign of EU commitment to Ukraine’s youth, the Commission should start the process to bring the country to the Erasmus+ programme in the near future, and in the meantime, the allocated funds should be boosted. These measures can be considered as a “starting package” that can help students and academics to adapt and grow in a new University environment and become more independent.
This should come with specific support measures that can be included in subsequent work programmes, ensuring that Ukrainian students and faculty receive quality scholarships that can support them in times of need. Strengthened participation in Erasmus+ could provide a framework to ease the relocation of students across Europe, an important point considering the pressure in neighbouring countries. Funding could come directly from the EU budget, as opposed to the association of other third countries in the programme where national contributions of third countries are determined in the negotiations.
Additionally, the scholarship spots for students should be complemented by the traineeship opportunities within the Erasmus+ financial support and/or database of student and campus jobs. These should be considered both – a scheme for complementing the number of available scholarships and an opportunity to continue financing after the scholarship is completed. This way the overall number of opportunities available to Ukrainians can be increased using several tools.
Access to language learning opportunities through OLS
Already during the 2015 refugee crisis, the EU made efforts to make the Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support available to refugees. We recommend building upon this experience and providing Ukrainian students access to online language courses. Higher Education Institutions located in neighbouring countries are confronted with high demand for language courses. We ought to set the path to contribute to this need and at the same time accompany the redistribution of the flow of refugees towards other countries by anticipating the language course requirements in these countries.
The call is supported by the following organisations:
Erasmus Student Network -
Coimbra Group Statement on the Rolling out of the European Universities Initiative after the pilot phase
07 June 2021
The Coimbra Group has been a major actor of the co-design of the European Universities Initiative since the earliest stage of its development and remains fully engaged in its roll-out, with 32 of its 41 members involved in an alliance. The Coimbra Group is also Associated Partner to four selected alliances, CHARM-EU, Circle U., EC2U and Una Europa.
In light of our experience with this initiative, and after carefully considering the recent proposals put forward by the European Commission for the next steps in its development, we are making the following proposals:
- We call on the European Commission to reflect on the initial rules of the initiative – which were all about flexibility, creativity, bottom-up approach, inclusiveness, implementing an ambition with respect to fostering the quality of higher education and research – and not to change ‘the rules during the game’;
- We support the proposal that the funding period be extended after the pilot phase, for a duration of 4+2 years, to avoid any funding gap, but we recall our plea for a long-term structural programmatic funding after that transition;
- We see the current funding of the alliances as relatively modest, leading to a ‘danger’ that the running of the Erasmus+ project gets more attention than the structural building of a European University;
- We are of the view that it is up to the alliances to decide if they wish to extend their membership or not; should they wish to do so, a gradual extension should be allowed without financial penalties to avoid destabilisation of alliances that are still under construction;
- We advocate for an incentive compatible approach: financial incentives to expand should be aligned with strategic improvement of the quality of the alliances;
- We believe that a call for new alliances should come in 2022; if this is delayed until 2024 momentum will be lost, and it will be more difficult to maintain the levels of cooperation and inclusiveness fostered through the creation of new alliances with fresh ideas;
- We should reaffirm that research and education are intrinsic components of research-led education and, as such, the impact of Brexit and the withdrawal of the UK from the Erasmus+ programme on the success of the European Universities initiative is something to be considered very seriously;
- The Coimbra Group is strongly committed to maintain and strengthen the relationship between the EU and the UK. This is also reflected by our recent publication on post-Brexit perspectives;
- We welcome the proposed expansion of the second-phase funding to all Bologna process countries.
The Coimbra Group Executive Board
Ludovic Thilly (University of Poitiers), Chair
Jürgen Barkhoff (Trinity College Dublin), Vice-Chair
Cláudia Cavadas (University of Coimbra)
Daniel Donoghue (Durham University)
Johnny Laursen (Aarhus University)
Dorota Malec (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
Lenka Rovná (Charles University in Prague)
Efrem Yildiz Sadak (University of Salamanca)
Elmer Sterken (University of Groningen)
Luca Verzichelli (University of Siena)
Download the PDF version of this statement (link to the document)
Key takeaway messages from discussions between Coimbra Group task group on post-Brexit UK-EU exchange & relevant stakeholders
30 April 2021
Download the PDF version of this document
Daniel Donoghue, Member of the Executive Board (Durham University); Emmanuelle Gardan, Office Director (Coimbra Group); Dorota Maciejowska, Chair of Academic Exchange & Mobility Working Group (Jagiellonian University in Kraków); Catarina Moleiro, Policy and Communications Officer (Coimbra Group); Ludovic Thilly, Chair of the Coimbra Group Executive Board (University of Poitiers); Luca Verzichelli, Member of the Executive Board (University of Siena)
The UK is no longer an EU Member State. It has also opted not to take part as an associated third country in the new Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027. The UK will therefore not be taking part in the new programme as a Programme Country (EC 2021).
1. Introduction
The terms of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement implies that the UK will be a non-associated third country in the Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027. This means the UK will only be able to participate in the Jean Monnet activities and Erasmus Mundus joint masters programmes as these are not limited to Member States and Associated Third Countries.
On behalf of all Coimbra Group (CG) member institutions, the task group on post-Brexit UK-EU exchange has consulted widely on the implications of the UK’s decision for student and staff exchanges and for academic partnerships. Our findings are summarised as follows:
2. Short-term implications and issues (2021-2023)
Multi-annual Erasmus+ programmes that were funded when the UK was a Member State will continue to operate to completion. In many cases, bilateral exchanges will take place until the academic year 2022/23 allowing a short period to consider the future of exchanges between Coimbra Group Universities and the UK. After that alternative formal arrangements (legal agreements) will need to put in place to facilitate student and staff exchanges.
In December 2020 the UK government announced funding of over £100 million for a new scheme to allow approximately 35,000 students in universities, colleges and schools to go on placements and exchanges overseas, starting in September 2021 (which may mean around £60-70 million for higher education). At present, the Turing Scheme has been allocated resources for one year in the first instance and has a stated aim of targeting students from disadvantaged backgrounds and exchanges not previously covered by Erasmus+ as it includes all countries. The window for application for UK providers opened on 12 March 2021. Results are expected to be issued in July 2021. Should there be sufficient funding available after the first round of applications, a second call may be launched in 2021.
EU Institutions should note that the Turing Scheme only funds outward mobility for UK students. The Turing scheme provides no funding for reciprocity (inward mobility). Reciprocity is allowed (and encouraged) but not funded through the Turing Scheme. The focus is on student mobility; staff mobility would only be possible if it were needed to facilitate the special needs of a student.
Inward (to the UK) mobility will be affected by the following changes:
– Higher Education EU students will be liable to UK University fees unless a fee waiver has been negotiated as part of a bi-lateral exchange agreement.
– A visitor may study for up to 6 months without a visa but for study periods longer than 6 months EU nationals will be required to obtain a Study Visa and must meet all the following requirements:
(a) any fee and Immigration Health Charge must have been paid (this will be refunded for European Health Insurance Card holders); and
(b) the applicant must have provided any required biometrics; and
(c) the applicant must have provided a passport or other travel document which satisfactorily establishes their identity and nationality; and
(d) the applicant must provide a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies reference number that was issued to them by the UK university no more than 6 months before the date of application.
– Other points raised by consultees in relation to the Turing Scheme:
- Inequality – the highest ranked Universities may be most successful and have highest mobilities;
- Cultural aspects of mobility may be lost if mostly English speaking destinations are preferred;
- There is a risk of an Eastern vs Western European divide in future EU-UK mobility flows;
- If each EU university must deal individually with each UK institution there will be a huge bureaucratic overhead;
- The programme may lack resilience if no resource is made available for staff mobility to help develop long-term high-quality partnerships;
- There is no support for youth and sporting associations;
- There is no possibility of an inter-network agreement; the scheme is based on bilateral arrangements between each UK university and other HE Institutions. We wonder if it will be possible in the future for one UK university to sign a multilateral agreement with willing CG Universities?
- The scheme is flexible in the sense that UK universities are free to decide upon the geographical distribution, specific programmes (e.g. modern languages) etc. However, being a demand-led scheme with no target countries, there is a risk that EU countries such as Germany, Italy, Spain or France, will lose incoming UK students;
- In the period of transition, Turing will be complementary to Erasmus+ (no possibility of double funding of any mobilities);
- Turing actively supports widening participation (which refers to students from less advantaged backgrounds and those with special education needs and disabilities).
3. Long-term issues (post-2023)
One of the most challenging aspects of The Turing Scheme in its current form is the uncertainty that surrounds post-2021/22 funding and the implications for UK-EU mobility when UK Erasmus+ funding ends post-2023. We will not know whether multi-year funding will be allocated to the UK Turing Scheme until the outcome of the UK Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review is completed, hopefully by October 2021.
The UK Department for Education will undertake a review of the first year of the Turing Scheme but we don’t know how this will be done and whether it will result in any significant changes to its remit and priorities? For example, will short or longer visits be favoured? What level of resource will be allocated to HE compared with further education (FE) and schools? Will language-related mobility be looked on favourably?
Whatever the Turing Scheme brings in the future, it is clear that the UK will have a confusing mix of opportunities for mobility because:
- HE students in Northern Ireland will be able to participate in Erasmus by registering through an HE institution in the Republic of Ireland.
- In Wales, Education is a devolved responsibility of the Welsh Government who have allocated £65 million for the period 2022-2026 for a new International learning Exchange Programme. This programme will allow reciprocal exchange and will operate in a similar way to the existing Erasmus+ programme where funding is available for both incoming and outgoing student exchange. 15,000 outbound and 10,000 inbound mobilities are targeted. Note that the programme covers learners, educators and administrators.
- The Scottish Government are looking at options for running a scheme similar to that in Wales. Differences between Turing and opportunities in Northern Ireland and Wales may raise confusion as for the reciprocity vs. non reciprocity aspect; students & staff vs. only student mobility. The Welsh scheme will start from September 2022/2023, Turing starts 2021/2022.
- The European Commission declined the request from Scotland earlier this year to become associated to the Erasmus+ programme. This option is ruled out for individual regions within a country. At the same time, the EU is open to negotiate should the United Kingdom reconsider its position on Erasmus+ in the future.
4. TURING and complementarity to Erasmus+ 2021-2027
- The Universities of Edinburgh and Durham did not apply in this year’s Turing scheme for funding for mobility with EU partners. All their Turing awards will be allocated to non-EU countries. The Erasmus+ grant covering mobility with EU partners will be continued until May 2023.
- The Universities of Edinburgh and Durham have given assurance that after the Erasmus+ grant ends in May 2023, ongoing study grants will continue uninterrupted until the end of the academic year 2022/2023 (until September 2023).
- Up to 20% of Erasmus+ Key Action 1 (KA1) funds awarded to higher education mobility projects can be used to support outgoing mobility of students and staff to any partner countries in the world (the UK is covered under “Region 14” – Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom). However, higher education institutions are expected to allocate these resources to the widest possible geographic scope and not restrict it to just the UK. The European Commission has made it clear it would carefully monitor this. However, there is no clear position on this matter among Erasmus National Agencies. For example, for the next academic year Uppsala University plans to dedicate all 20% of KA1 grants to partners in the UK and Switzerland. This will be possible because all EU universities, due to COVID-19 outbreak, still have relevant resources for student and staff mobility from the year 2020 due to the huge reduction in mobilities during the pandemic.
- Partner Countries are eligible for the new Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes but using their own funding. In this programme, at least three HEIs from Programme Countries must be involved. The UK could participate as an extra Partner Country by using funds from the Turing Scheme to support the physical part of mobility, and other resources for virtual components (at present the Turing scheme does not support virtual mobility). CG members could apply jointly with the UK partners for this kind of grant to promote and enhance new forms of cooperation.
- CG UK partners are concerned that the Turing Scheme might not continue to be funded in the medium to long term. They are also concerned that it might be restricted in its scope and only used as a vehicle for widening participation.
- CG UK partners are aware that the volume of mobility, both incoming and outgoing, may reduce substantially when the UK withdraws completely from the Erasmus+ Programme.
- CG UK partners note that different schemes for mobility will exist in different parts of the UK and that, when these new schemes take effect, strong advocacy will be needed to help shape what will be a much changed landscape for exchange and mobility.
- The CG UK partners are encouraged that they can still participate in the Jean Monnet and Erasmus Mundus Actions.
5. National Agreements
Will national ministries/agencies offer special grants or other forms of support for mobility to UK universities or will there be a movement to other English-speaking countries? This will depend on the policies of individual nation states and national education agencies.
- Germany: The DAAD announced in March 2021 ten propositions to create a new normality in academic exchange with the UK. Negotiations on cooperation models and waiver of fees are already under way at various levels. The DAAD also announced they were working to develop alternative access routes and financing models for students by 2023. Some DAAD third country programmes should be opened to cooperation with UK institutions. This applies both to scholarship programmes after the end of Erasmus and to the funding of exchange projects based on grant agreements to German higher education institutions. Discussions are still ongoing.
- Poland: The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange offers a number of short-term and mid-term mobilities for PhD students as well as academic staff (Programmes like PROM, Becker, Ullam, Academic Partnerships). It refers to UK universities as well, although it is not dedicated uniquely to UK partners. Due to Brexit, the National Agency is considering launching a new programme dedicated to student mobility to the UK.
- Italy: The March 2021 meeting of Italian rectors (CRUI) stressed the importance of future cooperation with the UK and announced that a draft cooperative agreement with the British Council is being prepared.
- Other countries: We are aware that other EU countries are interested in bilateral exchange agreements but there is nothing formal to report at this point. The focus for the moment is on ensuring the end of the Erasmus+ funding and initial year of Turing go well and that host institutions have the information they need.
6. Modern European Languages Programmes that include a compulsory year abroad present a particular set of difficulties:
Degree programmes in modern European languages and cultures face particular uncertainties with the loss of the Erasmus+ programme that helped underpin a compulsory year abroad. Student starting a degree in academic year 21/22 have no certainty that resources are available to support their year abroad starting in Sept or Oct 2023. This will also be a worry for universities trying to recruit home students for the academic year 21/22 and for students making degree programme choices without certainty over year abroad funding. Modern language departments in the UK benefit hugely from incoming students and, while the Turing Scheme might sustain some outward mobility it will not support incoming students thereby risking a substantial imbalance between outgoing and incoming exchange students.
- Erasmus+ Key Action 103 allows 20% of funds to be used flexibly for mobility to any destination (ESN will advocate to use part of these 20% to mobility to the UK), in fact only a low percentage can be used for UK partners (due to the requirement to demonstrate geographical distribution among regions);
- There many be an evolution of the format of mobility with a transition from full year abroad to shorter mobilities, summer schools, and blended virtual and actual mobility. Many universities may consider enhancing virtual exchange opportunities to compensate real mobility;
- We note that the EU allows for visa waivers for conferences or unpaid work for 180 days (6 months) which will assist with some forms of short-term mobility;
- Joint masters: UK institutions can join, but also lead consortia;
- Erasmus Mundus Design Measures: new sub-action, supporting design of high-level study programmes at master level (single lump sum of 55.000€/consortium);
- Participation of UK institutions is also possible in Erasmus+ Key Action 2 – Cooperation Partnerships and Alliances for Innovation (Forward Looking Projects);
7. Comments from CG UK members (Bristol, Durham and Edinburgh)
These headline points relate to the University of Edinburgh’s (UoE) Erasmus participation and performance noting that over the duration of the Erasmus programme (since 1987), Bristol, Durham & Edinburgh have sent well over 7,000 students to study and work in Europe through Erasmus.
- UoE has over 250 student exchange agreements with European partner institutions in over 20 countries.
- UoE is the number one UK study destination for inbound Erasmus students and has one of the largest UK cohorts of outbound students.
- UoE has been the largest UK recipient of Erasmus+ student and staff mobility funding in recent years.
- UoE’s current Erasmus+ award for the 2020/21 project year is €4.1M (to support both European and international mobility) – this project has been extended until May 2023 meaning that UoE can continue to fund its outgoing students until then.
8. Concluding concerns and considerations:
- Erasmus+ has been the key framework that has supported students on Modern European Languages programmes who have a mandatory year abroad requirement. There is no prioritisation of mandatory study/work abroad through Turing.
- One of the key objectives of Turing is Widening Participation. For example, only about 7% of University of Edinburgh outbound European exchange students qualify for the supplementary “Widening Participation” Erasmus grant. This could negatively impact on the amount Edinburgh and other leading UK universities are awarded.
- The Turing Scheme’s lack of inward mobility has resulted in the perception that the benefits are one-sided and that there are no incentives for EU students or institutions to engage.
- Many organisations including universities, the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and the British Council are particularly concerned about maintaining already established and long- lasting partnerships with EU institutions;
- The ESN will undertake to raise awareness among students about the Turing Programme, and communicate to UK students that there are alternatives to Anglophone countries;
- If the Turing scheme does not include short-term staff exchange after 2023, will the UK universities accept outgoing staff from EU Universities within the Erasmus+ scheme?
- There is no legal framework for creating/re-negotiating partnerships under Turing – to avoid further frustrating / alienating EU partners, a standard UK-wide agreement template is suggested. The University of Nottingham announced at a recent Universities UK International (UUKi) webinar that they were initiating conversations around creating such a template.
- The new Erasmus+ Programme foresees only outgoing mobilities both for EU countries as well as worldwide. Previously the Erasmus+ Key Action 107 for Partner Countries offered funding for outgoing and incoming. Now it will be harder to manage mobilities outside the EU (UK included). What’s more, EU higher education institutions will have fewer outgoing mobilities to the UK than previously and they will not be able to prioritise the UK as a destination due to the criterion of geographical distribution.
- UK institutions may need to work with their partners to identify creative solutions for different types of engagement beyond standard reciprocal exchanges – e.g. summer schools, short exchange and study programmes.
- To ensure outward opportunities for students, the UK universities need to be proactive in ensuring that EU partners choose UK study destinations for their outbound students. While Turing is not a like-for-like Erasmus replacement post-Brexit, with appropriate lobbying it could evolve into a scheme that allows for bilateral exchange.
- The Coimbra Group can help to promote constructive dialogue between the UK Government (Department for Education), the EU, UUKi, British Council, ESN and its member universities about the Turing scheme. Such advocacy will help to promote a constructive two-way exchange of information and views to assist the UK to develop a Turing Scheme that embracing best practice in reciprocity, staff mobility, equality and inclusion for all students.
List of people consulted by the CG task group (March-April 2021)
Policy Adviser, Turing Scheme, International Higher Education Division, UK Department for Education
Ms Caroline BLONDELL
Project Officer, Turing Scheme, International Higher Education Division, UK Department for Education
Higher Education and Science Lead for the EU Region, British Council
Head of Unit, Higher education (EAC.B.1), Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission
Mr Filip Van DEPOELE
Head of Unit, International Cooperation (EAC.C.3), Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission
President, Erasmus Student Network
Prof Claire GORRARA
Chair of the University Council of Modern Languages (UCML) and Professor of French, Cardiff University
Ms Naquita LEWIS
Implementation Manager for the Turing Scheme and the Higher Education Lead for the Erasmus+ programme in the UK, British Council (has left her position since then)
Ms Vivienne STERN
Director, Universities UK International
Prof Janet STEWART
Executive Dean (Arts and Humanities), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Durham University
Policy Adviser on International Engagement, Turing Scheme, International Higher Education Division, UK Department for Education
Coimbra Group Academic Exchange & Mobility Working Group members
Coimbra Group Statement on UK’s withdrawal from the Erasmus+ programme
14 January 2021
In light of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the new Erasmus+ programme, and given the significant engagement of Coimbra Group Universities in this flagship EU programme since its inception, the Coimbra Group places the utmost importance and urgency to secure, and further advocate for new alternative schemes that would facilitate student and staff exchange with our UK partners and minimize as much as possible the impact of the decision of the British government for our universities, academic and administrative staff and students.
We express our strongest support to all UK universities. We assure them that we are ready to build on our longstanding collective experience, with a view to mitigate, where possible, the impacts of Erasmus+ agreement terminations in mid-2023 and address any challenges that may arise until then.
The expertise and capacity of the Academic Exchange and Mobility (AEM) Working Group is crucial in this regard. It is the intention of the Coimbra Group to closely monitor the new situation and future developments and, whenever possible, build on the knowledge acquired through its own instrument, the Student Exchange Network (SEN).
We call for immediate action from the European Institutions and the national Ministries for Higher Education to help universities mitigating the impact of this unilateral decision from the British government. We believe that it is our duty to ensure that students, academic and administrative staff at higher education institutions do not suffer from the consequences of a purely political decision. We plead for a solidarity-based approach.
CG Statement on UK’s withdrawal from the Erasmus+ programme
Coimbra Group Statement on the Multiannual financial framework (MFF)
26 October 2020
As new rounds of negotiations are set to take place this week between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the Coimbra Group, representing 41 long-established European comprehensive, multidisciplinary universities, reiterates its call to EU and national leaders to reach an agreement that ensures appropriate funding is allocated to the EU flagship programmes Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe to meet the societal needs of the time.
“We feel the need to recall that the future of Europe will crucially depend on the support given to its young people and their commitment to the further development of Europe. We therefore once again call on the EU institutions as well as on national policy makers to strengthen their investment in Knowledge, in particular in education and research” (read our past statement here).
Prof Thilly, Chair of the Executive Board, reaffirms that “any additional cut to an already low budget allocated to Horizon Europe is further jeopardizing the EU capacity to properly respond to the current and future crises.” He warns that “education, research and innovation must be safeguarded – not recognizing this is just a populist short-sighted view!”
In line with its long-standing advocacy for ambitious budgets for higher education, research and innovation, the Coimbra Group welcomes and strongly supports:
- the common statement published on 21 October by the national rectors’ conferences in Germany (HRK), Austria (UNIKO) and The Netherlands (VSNU), representing 9 Coimbra Group member universities: “Last chance to invest in European higher education and research”;
- the statement made on 19 October by Christian Ehler, Member of the European Parliament (European People’s Party) and Rapporteur for Horizon Europe, calling on the EU Heads of State and Government to “match the Green and Digital goals with a budget fit for this age”.
In July 2020, fifteen European associations of universities – among which the Coimbra Group – representing more than 800 universities in Europe, united and called on European leaders to step up investment in excellent, cross-border research, education and innovation, both in the Multiannual Financial Framework from 2021 to 2027 and Next Generation EU, and to commit to putting sufficient resources behind common ambitions (#EUInvestInKnowledge).
Coimbra Group Position Paper on Digital Education Action Plan
11 September 2020
The Coimbra Group has submitted a position paper in reply to the European Commission public consultation on the new Digital Education Action Plan.
This consultation was seeking to gather the views of citizens and stakeholders on their experiences and expectations during the COVID-19 crisis (both to-date and in the recovery period), as well as their visions for the future of digital education.
This paper is largely on the basis of our May report Practices at Coimbra Group Universities in response to the COVID-19 – A Collective Reflection on the Present and Future of Higher Education in Europe.
14 July 2020
Fifteen European associations of universities – among which the Coimbra Group – unite and call on European leaders to step up investment in excellent, cross-border research, education and innovation, both in the Multiannual Financial Framework from 2021 to 2027 and Next Generation EU, and to commit to putting sufficient resources behind common ambitions.
Together, the initiative’s signatories represent more than 800 universities in Europe, committed to create a better future for Europe and its citizens. The 15 associations have united before for the campaign “Seize our common future”, calling for an ambitious long-term EU budget for research, innovation and education to boost efforts to solve the manifold future challenges.
“Both Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ are investments in our future and in our youth. They will reinforce Europe’s capacities to face today’s challenges, and those yet to come. Such challenges may take various forms and solutions will require mobilising various types of knowledge, citizens, and society” says the document released today. “We, universities of Europe, urge European leaders to step up investment in research, innovation and education to foster longterm strategic resilience, enabling Europe to strongly reinforce its role as a global leader in this respect.”
The Chair of the Coimbra Group Executive Board believes that “any additional cut to an already low budget allocated to Horizon Europe is further jeopardizing EU capacity to properly respond to the current and future crises.” Ludovic Thilly warns that “education, research and innovation must be safeguarded – not recognizing this is just a populist short-sighted view!”
Joint statement from Coimbra Group Rectors’ Advisory Group and Executive Board on the next European Multiannual Financial Framework and the recovery instrument “Next Generation EU”
16 June 2020
The Coimbra Group welcomes the recent proposal for the next European Multiannual Financial Framework and the recovery instrument, “Next Generation EU”. It commends in particular the specific top-up allocated to the Horizon Europe programme. We would, however, wish to express our great concerns about the missing explicit support, in the recovery instrument, for Education and specifically the Erasmus+ programme. We feel the need to recall that the future of Europe will crucially depend on the support given to its young people and their commitment to the further development of Europe. We therefore once again call on the EU institutions as well as on national policy makers to strengthen their investment in Knowledge, in particular in education and research, and ask for a more ambitious budget plan which includes both Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ programmes in the pool of recovery instruments.
16 June 2020
The Coimbra Group Rectors‘ Advisory Group
Patrick Gilli, Rector of University Paul-Valery Montpellier 3, Honorary President
Tomáš Zima, Rector of Charles University in Prague
Wojciech Nowak, Rector of Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Rosario Rizzuto, Rector of the University of Padova
Luc Sels, Rector of KU Leuven
Pilar Aranda Ramírez, Rector of the University of Granada
Stuart Corbridge, Vice-Chancellor and Warden of Durham University
The Coimbra Group Executive Board
Ludovic Thilly (University of Poitiers), Chair
Jürgen Barkhoff (Trinity College Dublin), Vice-Chair
Cláudia Cavadas (University of Coimbra)
Daniel Donoghue (Durham University)
Johnny Laursen (Aarhus University)
Dorota Malec (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
Lenka Rovná (Charles University in Prague)
Efrem Yildiz Sadak (University of Salamanca)
Elmer Sterken (University of Groningen)
Luca Verzichelli (University of Siena)
PDF version of the statement :