The “Durham Declaration on the collaboration of Coimbra Group Universities on Climate Change and Sustainability” will be adopted on the 26th March at the Coimbra Group Climate Symposium at Durham University. Jointly prepared by a dedicated Working Group at Durham University and the Coimbra Group Executive Board, with input from CG’s Rectors’ Advisory Group, this important document intends to be both inspirational and aspirational, aligning with CG universities’ sustainability strategies.

We are committed to ensuring that the Durham Declaration delivers a long-lasting legacy, shaping both the Coimbra Group’s and the wider higher education sector’s response to climate change. This Declaration will also contribute to global discussions on sustainability, including at the upcoming UNFCCC COP30 Climate Conference, reinforcing the Coimbra Group’s international influence in climate policy.

You will find all the information on the Durham Declaration on this page after its adoption (26th March).