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Joint call to double the research budget

21 March 2018

On 21 March thirteen research university networks published a joint statement calling for a doubling of the budget for research and innovation in the coming Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF 2020-2027). The Coimbra Group signed up to the statement together with twelve other networks and you can find the statement here.

The joint statement is a follow-up to the “One Voice Postcard” published by seven research university networks last year in late April (see our Newsletter from April last year) to enhance and strengthen framework programme collaboration by, among other issues, incentivising frontier-led and collaborative cross-border research.

This joint statement concentrates on the strengthening of research and innovation through the doubling of the budget, as recommended by the Lamy Report, the “Lab-Fab-App” report of 3 July 2017 (see the August Newsletter 2017). But the joint statement also includes and applies to increased national funding for research. Sufficient investment at national level is urgently needed to reach a level of 3% of GDP to contribute to achieving the European Research Area (ERA) and boost competitiveness and sustainability.

All involved research university networks are distributing the joint statement widely. As an example, the European University Association has asked the National Rectors’ Conferences to assist in the Europe-wide communication plan of the joint statement. They are aligning this joint effort with their own funding campaign, now in its third year. The National Rectors’ Conferences have been asked to identify rectors/presidents ready to write and place editorials in national media outlets. The Coimbra Group Universities are also called upon to assist in a wide media campaign, including the important aspect of raising the national funding levels for research. Coordination with the National Rectors’ Conference could strengthen the media interest, especially locally with interviews and articles with local examples and information to underline the importance of research funding for the future.


*** Inform your local, regional and national policymakers and MEPs! ***

Follow and enrich the campaign on Twitter – #UniversitiesUnitedonMFF