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Recent highlights from the European Research Area (ERA)

29 May 2024

Coimbra Group and Portugal, as co-sponsors of the European Research Area (ERA) Policy Agenda 2022-24 Action 4 on ‘Research Careers”, run with the Commission’s DG RTD an online ad-work workshop on 29 May, with delegates from Member States, ERA Associated Countries and stakeholder organisations. The meeting started with an overview of recent and upcoming policy developments and initiatives for advancing the ERA agenda in this field, mostly in relation with the European Framework for Research Careers adopted by the Council in December. Participants had the opportunity to discuss the first outputs of the EU-funded ‘Sustainable Careers for Researcher Empowerment’ (SECURE) project. The workshop also focused on refining the objectives and outcomes of the proposal to include a structural policy on research careers in the ERA Policy Agenda 2025-2027. The revised proposal will be discussed by the members of the ERA Forum at their next meeting on 21 June.

On 23 May, Coimbra Group participated in the 5th meeting of the ERA Action 5 subgroup on Inclusive Gender Equality. Delegates discussed two outcomes: counteracting gender-based violence in R&I, and principles for the integration and evaluation of the gender perspective in R&I. Furthermore, the representatives from the Belgian, Hungarian, and forthcoming Polish Presidency of the EU Council presented their key achievements and priorities in the area. Delegates were also updated on the progress of EU-funded projects GENDERACTION, INSPIRE and GenderSAFE.

Then on 24 May, Coimbra Group followed the 23rd meeting of the ERA Forum, in its quality of co-sponsor and co-chair of two ERA policy actions. With the implementation of the current ERA Policy Agenda 2022-24 almost finalised and the preparation for the next one ongoing, ERA Forum members reflected on the lessons learnt so far and the challenges ahead, with a focus on the governance aspects and the policy framework. The recently published ‘Letta report’, Much more than a market, was put forward by the ERA Forum Co-Chairs as providing a significant political boost for the further implementation of the ERA and its ERA Policy Agendas.

Save-the-date: The first ERA Conference is scheduled to take place in Brussels on 18-19 September 2024 (about 300 participants expected). The plenary sessions should be livestreamed. This will be an excellent opportunity for senior management, academic and administrative staff at CG members to be updated on the new ERA achievements and forthcoming goals.

For further information on the ERA priorities, actions, and upcoming events, please check the ERA Policy Platform: https://european-research-area.ec.europa.eu