Eligibility criteria and list of participating universities
Universities of the Coimbra Group offer short-term visits (generally 1 to maximum 3 months) to young Latin America researchers from higher education institutions from Latin America. The main aim of this scholarship programme is to enable scholars to undertake research in which they are engaged in their home institution and to help them establish academic and research contacts in Europe.
The scholarships are financially supported by the Coimbra Group member universities participating in this programme, while the Coimbra Group Office is in charge of the administrative management of the
Please note that some Coimbra Group Universities may restrict the eligibility to some countries only – to find out if your country is eligible, please refer to the “Remarks” section in the Grants Information.
In most universities the language of instruction is that of the country itself, but in many universities, it is
possible to use English as the working language.
The following Coimbra Group universities are participating in the 2025 edition of this scholarship programme:
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi ( Romania)
- University of Barcelona (Spain)
- University of Coimbra (Portugal)
- University of Cologne (Germany)
- University of Granada (Spain)
- University of Graz (Austria)
- Istanbul University (Turkey)
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)
- Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland)
- KU Leuven (Belgium)
- University of Padova (Italy)
- University of Pavia (Italy)
- University of Poitiers (France)
- University of Salamanca (Spain)
- University of Siena (Italy)
- University of Tartu (Estonia)
Applicants must fulfil ALL of the following criteria at the same time:
- To be a national of and currently resident in a Latin American country. Candidates already living and/or studying in Europe will not be considered.
- To hold a university degree or equivalent.
- To be linked, as a professor or researcher, to a Latin American University recognised as such by the
authorities of the country. - To use the Coimbra Group Office electronic application process. Only one application per candidate will be accepted.
- To submit online an acceptance letter/email from the tutor/partner with whom the work programme will be undertaken in the host institution. This document is mandatory.
- To be born on or after 1 January 1985.
Submission of Applications
The online application is available until 31 March 2025 midnight (Brussels time) on the Coimbra Group website: http://www.coimbra-group.eu/activities/scholarships . Applications should be submitted in English, but we will accept applications in Spanish when applying to the Universities of Granada, Salamanca, and Barcelona and in Portuguese when applying to the University of Coimbra. No other language exceptions will be accepted.
Only the universities listed in the list below are taking part in the 2025 edition of this Coimbra Group
Scholarship Programme.
The Coimbra Group Office will individually acknowledge each application received. Within two weeks of submitting the online application, candidates should receive an email from the Coimbra Group Office
confirming whether their application has been validated or not. This will be the acknowledgement of receipt. If candidates do not receive the confirmation message it means that the application was not submitted correctly or there was a technical problem. In that case, please contact office@coimbra-group.eu , no later than 14 April 2025.
The dates and the structure of the visit which will be carried out in the academic year 2025/2026 at the host university will be agreed upon with the host tutor/partner university. All practical details concerning the mobility period, scholarship payment, certificates and visa procedures should be discussed with the host university and not with the Coimbra Group Office.
Applicants are expected to make contact with their research supervisor at the selected host university
(through the website of the university of their choice, or by contacting the contact person at the selected host university) and submit a letter/e-mail of acceptance, together with their application form, which proves that the candidate has been accepted to carry out research under his/her supervision. The letter/email must clearly state the willingness of the tutor to supervise the work of the candidate during the research stay. The Coimbra Group Office is unable to help you with finding a supervisor.
Applicants are not expected to provide any other documents at this stage, although they may be requested to do so by the university they have applied for at a later stage.
Selection Procedure
The administrative check of applications will be undertaken by the Coimbra Group Office in order to select candidates who meet the eligibility criteria. The selection of candidates will be undertaken by the host universities. Previously selected candidates can apply for a second grant, but they will not be prioritised.
The Coimbra Group Office will contact all candidates and inform them about the result of their application by the end of June 2025. Successful candidates currently employed by a university are responsible for ensuring that their home institution will grant them leave of absence to undertake the proposed visit.
The final selection will be made in accordance with the following criteria:
- Academic skills of the applicant
- Experience as a professor or/and researcher
- Curriculum Vitae assessment
- Coherence between the programme proposed by the applicant and his/her academic background and experience
- Immediate benefits of the research visit for the academic and scientific future of the candidate and of the participating institutions.
Obligations of the Grant Holder
- Comply with the legal requirements (in terms of insurance, visa, etc.) of the host country.
- Send to the Coimbra Group Office a letter/email of acceptance of the scholarship on the conditions
offered by the university at which he/she was accepted and with the benefits outlined in this Call for
Applications. - Include a mention of the Coimbra Group Scholarship whenever results of the research programme
are published.
When submitting an application for a Coimbra Group scholarship, the candidate agrees to allow the Coimbra Group to use their data (name, surname, country, e-mail address) for sending electronic communication to the candidate’s email address in connection with future calls for applications of the Coimbra Group scholarship programmes. To withdraw your consent please send an email to info@coimbra-group.eu.
The Coimbra Group
The Coimbra Group, which was set up in 1987, is an association of traditional European universities. It aims to increase co-operation amongst its members by enhancing special academic and cultural ties, and creating channels of information and exchange. More information about the Coimbra Group can be found on the association’s website (www.coimbra-group.eu). Further details about the universities taking part in the Scholarship Programme for Young Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities may be found by viewing their own website at the addresses included in the information below.
Contact Details
For further information please contact the Coimbra Group Office at office@coimbra-group.eu
Please refer to the information below for the specific conditions set by each Coimbra Group University participating in this Scholarship Programme
University of Barcelona (Spain)
- Number of grants offered: 1
- Eligible countries: All
- Field(s) of study: https://www.ub.edu/uri/Documents/UB_academic_offer_Latin_America_2025.pdf
- Insurance and amount: Not provided
- Amount available for each scholarship: 1.500€ per month
- Duration of the grant period: 1-3 months
- Selection criteria (optional): http://www.ub.edu/uri/professorsNOUB/coimbra_en.htm
- Contact person: Marta Arias
- Email: marta.arias@ub.edu
- Website: http://www.ub.edu/uri/professorsNOUB/coimbra_en.htm
- Remarks:
- The University does not fund the travel costs.
- The University does not provide insurance for visitors.
- Applicants who could benefit from the scholarship for the first time will be prioritised.
- Applicants (preferably doctoral students, postdoctoral or junior researchers) should establish contact with a supervising professor at the university, according to the academic offer (The University does not fund the travel costs.), in order to obtain the invitation letter.
- The research project proposal should be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 Agenda and the expected results lead to further academic actions between home and host institutions.
- Applicants should check the complete information about UB’s participation in the Scholarship Programme at: http://www.ub.edu/uri/professorsNOUB/coimbra_en.htm
University of Coimbra (Portugal)
- Number of grants offered: 1
- Eligible countries: All Latin American countries are eligible
- Field(s) of study: All
- Insurance and amount: 0
- Amount available for each scholarship: 750€ per month+1100€ travel support
- Duration of the grant period: maximum 3 months
- Selection criteria (optional): document that will be available on the website
- Contact person: Cláudia Plácido
- Email: dri.scholarships@uc.pt; silvia.silva@uc.pt
- Website: https://www.uc.pt/dri/bolsas-e-premios/bolsas-para-investigacao-ensino-e-formacao/coimbra-group/
- Remarks: None
University of Cologne (Germany)
- Number of grants offered: 2
- Eligible countries: All
- Field(s) of study: All
- Insurance and amount:
- Amount available for each scholarship: 1,200 €
- Duration of the grant period: 2 Months
- Selection criteria (optional):
- Contact person: Daniela Simut
- Email: d.simut@verw.uni-koeln.de
- Website: https://portal.uni-koeln.de/international
- Remarks:
- The amount of 1,200 € per month
- is an overall sum, from which the scholarship holder is expected to cover costs like flight, accomodation, health insurance, food, etc.”
University of Granada (Spain)
- Number of grants offered: 2
- Eligible countries: 0
- Field(s) of study: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haití, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela
- Insurance and amount: Included (148 €)
- Amount available for each scholarship: 750 €/month + travel expenses up to 800€ will be reimbursed
- Duration of the grant period:
Minimum: one month
Maximum: 3 months - Selection criteria (optional):
- Contact person: Ms María Virtudes, Martín Fernández
- Email: admoncicode@ugr.es
- Website: https://escuelaposgrado.ugr.es/doctorado/escuelas/international-offer/index
- Remarks:
- It is mandatory to read this document before preparing an application: https://tinyurl.com/ugr2025
- The University of Granada does not provide accommodation to the grant holder.
- A pre-admission letter signed by the research tutor at UGR is mandatory in order to be eligible for the grant at our University, which means that the candidate should have prior contact with the UGR professors/officers before applying for the grant.
- Applicants (doctoral students, postdoctoral or junior researchers) must include a letter of motivation, clearly stating the expected impacts of the stay for both the candidate and the home institution. This letter will constitute an additional criterion for the final selection.
University of Graz (Austria)
- Number of grants offered: 2
- Eligible countries: All; as indicated by CG office
- Field(s) of study: All disciplines offered at the University of Graz. For more information, go to: https://www.uni-graz.at/en/university/faculties/ Please note, we do not have a Faculty of Medicine, a Faculty of Veterinary Medicine or an Institute of Agriculture, for example.
- Insurance and amount: The scholarship holders are responsible for organizing adequate insurance
- Amount available for each scholarship: 1000 €/month + 900€ for travel
- Duration of the grant period: 2 months
- Selection criteria (optional): Quality of the application.
- Contact person: Anja Krobath
- Email: staffmobility@uni-graz.at
- Website: https://www.uni-graz.at/en/
- Remarks: Access to computer and library. Uni Graz will provide assistance in finding accommodation. Uni Graz does not provide insurance for visitors. Applicants should establish contact with a supervising professor at the University of Graz before applying and submit a letter of invitation or email correspondence together with the application.
Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)
- Number of grants offered: 1 Postdoc researcher on postdoctoral level
- Eligible countries: all countries in Latin America
- Field(s) of study: All
- Insurance and amount: No
- Amount available for each scholarship: 1800€ per month
- Duration of the grant period: 3 Months (in the period September-December 2025)
- Selection criteria (optional):
- Contact person: Susanne Golz
- Email: gawi@uni-jena.de
- Website: https://www.uni-jena.de/en
- Remarks:
Applicants will need a pre-acceptance letter by a University of Jena Professor. It is the responsibility of the applicant to identify and contact a potential supervisor at the University of Jena. Please check the websites of the faculties to find out the research field of the professors and contact him/her by sending a CV and research plan/proposal. The pre-acceptance letter/ mail must be uploaded to the application.
Facilities: Access to computer and library
The university will provide assistance in finding accommodation.
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Romania)
- Number of grants offered: 1
- Eligible countries: All Latin American countries
- Field(s) of study: All study fields included in the academic offer of the University (http://www.uaic.ro/en/)
- Insurance and amount: no
- Amount available for each scholarship: Free accommodation in a University guest residence, plane tickets purchased by the university and a scholarship of 1500 RON (aprox 300€)
- Duration of the grant period: 1 month
- Selection criteria (optional):
- Contact person: Ioana Serafinceanu
- Email: ioana.serafinceanu@uaic.ro
- Website: www.uaic.ro
- Remarks:
İstanbul University (Turkey)
- Number of grants offered: 1
- Eligible countries: All
- Field(s) of study: All
- Insurance and amount: Not provided
- Amount available for each scholarship: 1000€ per month
- Duration of the grant period: 3 Months
- Selection criteria (optional): The research project proposal should include expected results lead to further academic actions between home and host institutions.
- Contact person: Deniz Çelik
- Email: iu.international@istanbul.edu.tr
- Website: https://www.istanbul.edu.tr/en/_
- Remarks:
Istanbul University does not fund the travel costs.
Istanbul University does not provide insurance for visitors. İstanbul University has a total of 2 available spots.
Applicants (preferably doctoral students, postdoctoral or junior researchers) should establish contact with a supervising professor at the university before applying and submit a letter of invitation together with the application.
Invitaton letters should be issued by the International Academic Relations Office upon the consent of the supervisor
The Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland)
- Number of grants offered: 4
- Eligible countries: All countries
- Field(s) of study: All academic disciplines, except scientific areas provided by Medical College
- Insurance and amount: Not provided
- Amount available for each scholarship: 1.600€ – the scholarship is intended to cover all expenses related to the research visit
- Duration of the grant period: one (1) month
- Selection criteria (optional): Only candidates who hold the title of professor or a doctoral degree are eligible
- Contact person: Magdalena Czarnik
- Email: magdalena.czarnik@uj.edu.pl
- Website: https://en.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/about-university/faculties-and-other-units/faculties
- Remarks:
- Note: Only candidates who hold the title of professor or a doctoral degree are eligible.
- The University does not provide insurance, and does not fund travel costs and accommodation to the grant holder. The scholarship is intended to cover all expenses related to the research visit.
- Applicants should establish contact with a supervising professor at the university before applying and submit a letter of invitation together with the application. When contacting the potential host, it is required to include a CV and research plan.”
KU Leuven (Belgium)
- Number of grants offered: 7
- Eligible countries:
- All
- Note: applicants registered at a university in Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru, are asked to apply through the Global Minds Grants programme for Short-term Research Stays please add link on title of the programme: https://www.kuleuven.be/global/global-development/funding-possibilities/mobility-possibilities/global-minds-mobility/researchgrants
- Field(s) of study: All
- Insurance and amount: Included in the scholarship
- Amount available for each scholarship:
3200 €:- 1500 € monthly allowance for max. 2 months
- 200 € travel expenses”
- Duration of the grant period: 2 months
- Selection criteria (optional):
- Contact person: Ms. Laura Lenssen
- Email: laura.lenssen@kuleuven.be
- Website: https://www.kuleuven.be/global/going-abroad/incomingstaffmobility/coimbra
- Remarks: Important eligibility criteria:
- Applicants are post-doctoral researchers (holding a PhD at the time of application).
- Applicants are max. 40 years old (born on or after 1 January 1984 for the 2025 call)
- PhD students are non-eligible
University of Padova (Italy)
- Number of grants offered: 2
- Eligible countries: All Latin American countries are eligible
- Field(s) of study: All
- Insurance and amount: The University insurance covers the academic activities. Visitors should have their own insurance to cover travel, stay health and personal property.
- Amount available for each scholarship:
Lump sum: 1 month: 2000€ 2 months: 2800€ 3 months: 3600€ - Duration of the grant period: from 1 to 3 months (September 2025-June 2026)
- Selection criteria (optional):
- Contact person: Fiorella De Gobbi
- Email: fiorella.degobbi@unipd.it
- Website: https://www.unipd.it/
- Remarks:
Applicants should establish contact with a supervisor professor at the University of Padua before applying and submit the invitation letter or email together with the application.
Emails to potential host research supervisors must include CV and research proposals, including topics and dates.
University of Pavia (Italy)
- Number of grants offered: 1
- Eligible countries: All countries of Latin America
- Field(s) of study: All fields of study offered at University of Pavia
- Insurance and amount: The University of Pavia will issue the ICS Complete AON student insurance for the period of stay in Pavia (€. 41,40/month)
Link: https://www.aonstudentinsurance.com/students/en/ - Amount available for each scholarship:
Costs covered by the University of Pavia:
TRAVEL COSTS: economy class return flight
Return flight tickets and health insurance policy will be issued directly by the University of Pavia
ACCOMMODATION: a single room at a University student residence
MEALS: free of charge canteen card for the meals (lunch and dinner) at a University canteen
SCHOLARSHIP: pocket money of € 150,00 per week - Duration of the grant period: From 4 to 12 weeks
- Selection criteria (optional):
- Contact person: Stefania Ferrari
- Email: cicops@unipv.it
- Website: https://en.unipv.it/en
- Remarks:
To apply it is mandatory to obtain an invitation letter from a tutor/supervisor at the University of Pavia.
CICOPS can help applicants to get in touch with professors/researchers of the University of Pavia who may have similar interests and may be willing to collaborate with them.
University of Poitiers (France)
- Number of grants offered: 1
- Eligible countries:
- Field(s) of study: All
- Insurance and amount:
- Amount available for each scholarship:
1000€ + reimbursement of travel expenses up to 800€ - Duration of the grant period: 1 month
- Selection criteria (optional): To establish its selection, the commission of the University of Poitiers will:
- take into account the applicant’s field of research,
- ensure the rotation of the laboratories eligible for this grant to host a doctoral student/young researcher,
- take care of the male/female balance.”
- Contact person: Marie-Amélie MASSELIN
- Email: marie.amelie.masselin@univ-poitiers.fr
- Website: https://www.univ-poitiers.fr/en/international-students-scholars/professors-researchers-and-doctoral-students-administrative-matters/coimbra-group-scholarships/
- Remarks:
University of Salamanca (Spain)
- Number of grants offered: 2
- Eligible countries: All elegible
- Field(s) of study: Any field
- Insurance and amount: No
- Amount available for each scholarship: 1.100€ per month
- Duration of the grant period: 4 months
- Selection criteria (optional):
- Contact person: María Teresa Hernández
- Email: rrii@usal.es
- Website: https://rel-int.usal.es/es/
- Remarks:
University of Siena (Italy)
- Number of grants offered: 1
- Eligible countries: All Latin American countries
- Field(s) of study: any subject area, subject to the approval of the relevant hos department
- Insurance and amount: The University provides accident insurance and public liability insurance. Visitors will require to hold their own health insurance. The University is unuble to assist with travel costs.
- Amount available for each scholarship: 1,000.00€/month; free meals at the University canteens, free accommodation at the University residences
- Duration of the grant period: from 1 month (minimum duration) to 3 months (maximum duration)
- Selection criteria (optional):
- Contact person: Candida Calvo, Patrizia Butini
- Email: visiting@unisi.it
- Website: https://www.internationalvisitors.unisi.it/
- Remarks:
Applicants should have received approval by the tutor at the host university before applying (please include a letter/email from your potential supervisor at the University of Siena as proof).
University of Tartu (Estonia)
- Number of grants offered: 1
- Eligible countries: All countries
- Field(s) of study: All fields
- Insurance and amount: 3.000 EUR
- Amount available for each scholarship: 3,000 €
- Duration of the grant period: 2 months
- Selection criteria (optional): Eligible for PhD students. Pre-acceptence letter from the professor of the University of Tartu should be uploaded with application
- Contact person: Sirje Üprus
- Email: sirje.uprus@ut.ee
- Website: https://www.ut.ee/en/
- Remarks: The scholarship can only be consumed in 2025