The Coimbra Group Master Initiative in the field of Peace & Conflict Studies (CGMIPCS)
06 September 2023

Traumata and Intentional Memory: Reconciliation Resources for our European Union
BIP in Jena, Germany – March 11-22, 2024 (Virtual Week: March 11th-15th/Week in Jena: March 18th-22nd)
This intensive two-week Spring course in the field of Peace and Conflict Studies is hosted at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany, and intended for Masters-level students from participating universities in the Coimbra Group’s CGMIPCS Network. It is an ERASMUS+ supported Blended Intensive Programme – BIP – focusing on Memory Studies: Peace, Conflict and Transformation, and organized by scholars at the MA program for Applied Ethics and Conflict Management and the Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS).
Course Goals, Content, and Structure: Historical trauma impacts current political and intergroup conflict situations in obvious and subtle ways. This course provides a survey of recent interdisciplinary scholarship regarding how the past impacts our present. There is special attention given to the European context regarding how we continue to interpret traumatic events and how the narratives of those events impact our contemporary political union. This short, intensive programme combines mixed mobility (one week virtual and one week physical) with learning activities for students, academics, and staff. The experience includes a guided field trip to the Buchenwald Memorial and reflections upon how Holocaust remembrance impacts the European social situation. The summer course enables scientific exchange and collaborative projects as well as brings academic activities in the field of reconciliation studies closer to the partner university communities; fostering knowledge of theories, methods and practices related to the field.
Course Credits: The course counts as 5 ECTS. Activity hours include 60 total hours, 30 hours per virtual or physical week. Prior preparation for course includes reading of provided literature. Qualification for the ECTS requires participants to attend all parts of the course. Allocation of credits is in line with students’ home university’s rules and procedures.
Call for participation of scholars: Organizers of this event welcome participation of scholars from partner universities to share their substantial knowledge in various disciplines such as political science, philosophy, psychology, history, and sociology. This offers an innovative and exciting forum to debate the theoretical, empirical, and methodological issues central to a collaborative understanding of reconciliation. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS NOVEMBER 1st, 2023 (but we offer flexibility with later dates in case there are further interested persons who would like to jump in after the basic program is set).
Students – Application process: students from the partner universities must apply directly through their own universities. Students can apply by sending a transcript of academic records and a motivational letter to their university’s contact person. Please consult with your home university’s International Office regarding the possibility to receive an additional ERASMUS+ grant for travel and other daily expenses. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS JANUARY 31ST, 2024.
Credits: ;
For more information on the academic content or other details of the BIP, please get in touch with us: